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Everything posted by jff

  1. There goes one of the D candidates for 2020. His political career should be over if he thinks we're dumb enough to believe Canadian pharmaceuticals are less safe than those we can buy here.
  2. Maybe you could narrow it down by looking at the performance lineup for the inauguration. Surely it's by one of those acts.
  3. Not really. Obama had been in congress and in the state house, and was the star of the 2004 D convention before he ran for president. I wouldn't call that an "unknown." That's more like "rising star."
  4. It means pinning our hopes on a new person coming out of the woodwork probably a losing strategy.
  5. By far, the most likely thing that will remove Trump from office is his own resignation. Frankly, I've been predicting this since he won the nomination. But if that doesn't end up happening, who is going to impeach him? And who is going to defeat him in 2020?
  6. Textbook might be a better choice of words than going through the motions.
  7. It goes without saying that Trump took a look at those two women and made a derisive comment about the one on the left for not wearing a skirt as short as the one on the right.
  8. Half? That's wildly optimistic since absolutely nothing has stuck yet. The guy is possibly the best con man who has ever lived. He's playing all of us like fiddles, and so far, nobody has figured out how to do a damn thing about it.
  9. "Send me a bill for what?" This motherfucker doesn't even know that bill is a term for legislation. He only knows it in the context of money.
  10. Derek pretty much admits this in the WTF interview. I don't remember his exact words, except he says Clapton has (infrequent) moments where he really "lights it up." The implication being that most of the time Clapton's just going through the motions.
  11. What a crock. Trump CAN control the aspects of his appearance that people make fun of...his hair and his orange makeup. Equating hair styles and cosmetic choices with a physical or mental handicap is disgusting.
  12. Huh, I've never heard of Joan Shelly, but I watched her Tiny Desk Concert. Sounds really nice. I'm intrigued to hear her record.
  13. The Pops Staples record is far and away the best non-Wilco project that Tweedy's name is attached to.
  14. I was so disappointed in the Construction of Light tour that I lost any interest in seeing this band again, but the clips I've seen of the three drummer lineup have been so strong that I will definitely go to this if it comes close to Atlanta.
  15. The OA. For me, this was the TV equivalent of something going in one ear and out the other. I didn't get it at all, or care about any of the characters.
  16. This is the first shot in their outrage fatigue campaign. A month or two from now, everyone will be so tired of being outraged that the calls to congressmen will stop and the pressure will fizzle. Then the nasty shit will start in earnest.
  17. He's probably better known as a producer now (Alabama Shakes, Dawes, John Legend, Jim James, and others), but he's one of the best guitarists I've ever seen. He was incredible when I saw him in Fiona Apple's band. Definitely worth looking into.
  18. I was disappointed with this album, and I don't think it's necessarily the band's fault. They really impressed me on their Tiny Desk Concert, and some other performances I saw online. Something about the album seems off to me, though. Maybe it's a victim of brickwalling, but it sounds like everything is turned all the way up at all times.
  19. Kelly Hogan, Flap, W8ing 4 UFOs Should be quite the '90s Atlanta reunion.
  20. Derek heavily incorporates qawalli and Hindustani music into his playing, which sets him apart from other players of his generation. While Derek was certainly not the first guitarist to explore these music styles, it'd be tough to find another American or British guitarist who is more dedicated or serious about it, Now there are younger guitarists, such as Blake Mills, exploring this same territory. I believe he has credited Derek with opening that door to him. In that way, I think Derek has made a mark on guitar playing.
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