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Everything posted by jff

  1. I don't think that's mathematically plausible. The rural population makes up less than 20% of the electorate.
  2. I'm convinced Nader would have been a non-issue if Gore hadn't chosen such a pathetic running mate in Joe Lieberman.
  3. The scuttlebutt on the street is that Marla Maples is the source of the Trump tax leak. If this is true, that is some ninja level trolling.
  4. It's funny how these folks say they hate political correctness, but conveniently forget how they vilified Bill Maher for making a true, but politically incorrect statement on his TV show, Politically Incorrect. I think that's a pretty good demonstration of how disingenuous their stance is. But ultimately it's a fear response, almost entirely by white men, to the fact that white men don't have 100% control of the highest levels of government anymore. They know their heyday is over for good, and all they can do is throw around racist and sexists insults. But the aim of political correctness
  5. I think what Trump support boils down to is that many people are envious of how much of an asshole he gets to be. And worse, many of them use it as a license to be assholes themselves (we've all seen the videos of this exact phenomenon). We all have people in our lives we'd love to tell to fuck off, and that is pretty much the essence of Trump's personality. So it makes sense that people would find satisfaction in that. Unfortunately, they don't realize that that is exactly the opposite trait that is needed from any world leader.
  6. Is that a real person or are you clowning on Reince Priebus?
  7. I said he was, too. I've known quite a few cokeheads. They're the only people I've ever known who constantly sniff like that. How is that possible, considering Obama invented Isis? Clinton has only been an adult for eight years?
  8. Anyone know who the Clinton camp used as a stand in for Trump during debate prep?
  9. What a bizarre rationalization. Luckily for the rest of us, nobody gives a steaming pile of dog shit what this clown thinks about politics. At least, I hope they don't.
  10. Yeah, it wasn't subtle at all. I saw him say it, and justify his reasoning for it, on TV last weekend. He said something along the lines of "if you're part of a private organization, and you have benefited from the resources that organization provides, how could you then go against promises you made to that organization?"
  11. Yes, the opener was Angelica Garcia. She performed solo and with a keyboardist accompanying her for some songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkDPtzlZpsQ
  12. Might have been having an off night. They slayed yesterday, Maybe they don't go over well in a festival setting. Most bands don't, imo.
  13. It always makes me think of Ranier Wolfcastle. Wang Dang Sweet Poontang!
  14. They were better than they were when I saw them in 1992, and they were great then. I was not expecting to see a contrabass saxophone on stage. Very ambitious show. Stellar setlist.
  15. Nice. I wish the camera had been on Glenn when he hit that spiral slinky thing.
  16. So, Trump is claiming the debates are rigged against him because the moderator, Lester Holt, is a democrat. Lester Holt has been a registered republican for over a decade. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/09/trump-is-wrong-lester-holt-is-a-republican.html
  17. Yeah, looks like it's back in print. Amazon has it for cheap. I guess I sold my copy when it was temporarily out of print. I think I got $75 for it. Same deal with John French's book, Beefheart Through the Eyes of Magic. It's readily available again. Pretty much the same story as Lunar Notes, but 300 pages longer.
  18. Yes, I picked up on this. Since I mentioned Destroy All Nels Cline, toward the end of Lovers (I forget which song), some of what the orchestra plays is very reminiscent of one of the tracks from Destroy All. (Maybe it's the same song on both albums...not sure, I'll have to compare track listings.) But the difference in instrumentation makes for an interesting contrast in timbre and tonality. What sounds really dark and scary on Destroy All sounds more subtly brooding on Lovers. Nicely done!
  19. Now, THAT is fucking hilarious. Bono needs some serious self-reflection if he believes that.
  20. Why do you think any of us are unconcerned with policy?
  21. I did not say, nor do I believe, that should be the only consideration.
  22. This is an interesting and maddening topic. There are several bands I would love to see, but they only play festivals in my city. Alabama Shakes, Charles Bradley, and others, haven't played a non-festival show in Atlanta in years. I might never get to see them because I don't go to festivals.
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