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Everything posted by jff

  1. In the late '80s/early '90s Joey Kramer used to wear a suit with a bunch of drum pads on it and during his solo he'd run around the stage beating himself with his drumsticks.
  2. Every song has a guitar solo. I don't like drum solos, and I'm a drummer.
  3. Some of it. Seeemd like a bunch of pseudo-coherent back patting followed by some old fashioned crap about how great record companies are. And a little too much talk about balls.
  4. Not a solo per se, but Mary Timony's "Summer's Fawn" has a guitar/bass unison break that builds up to pretty huge climax/resolution, only to return into to openign riff in a quite powerful way. Lots of tension/release in that one. (It's a little more badass on the album version, but here's a live version)
  5. I'm kind of excited for the moustache craze to die down. I think the next trend will be to have as many razor cuts on your face as possible.
  6. I was a few miles away from Centennial Park drinking beer on my friend's front porch that night, and I remember strangers walking by telling us that had happened. Fucked up stuff.
  7. I wouldn't expect a singer in a rock band going on stage high and acting goofy to get any publicity.
  8. I'm back from this. I'll try to do an "after the show" for this trip, but for now I'll just say that I don't think I've been as happy as I was after the Wild Flag show in ten or fifteen years.
  9. Rock and roll vacation starts tomorrow. St. Vincent tomorrow in Dallas, Wild Flag on Monday in Birmingham.
  10. While most arabs I have known were/are assholes, I was referring to terrotists/dictators, etc.
  11. They always do this with all those assholes. Osama was Usama for a while.
  12. This seems to be the consensus. I couldn't be more excited for next Monday in Birmingham.
  13. jff

    Capitol City

    Candyman is one of the best melodies in the history of pop music.
  14. I'll want a review. I'm seeing them next week.
  15. I wish. If I wasn't trying to move, I'd probably be making some serious effort to get a great guitar.
  16. That'd definitely be interesting to hear, but it'd probably force John to play a lot more notes than he currently does. To me, the beauty in his playing is that he knows when not to play, and has the luxury of playing very minimally. It's almost impossible to do that in a three piece group without the sound getting very empty. I don't know of any three piece rock band that didn't have a much busier bass player than John.
  17. Thanks for the info. Never heard of Hatch. Definitely should have been a one per customer limit. Dumbass move letting people buy multiples.
  18. I used to work with Brent in a restaurant in the mid '90s. Very nice guy, but when the sun goes down... Definitely a freak.
  19. I thought you could buy these things directly from the band website. If not, they should make a deal with their poster artists to make more available. Why let the secondary market gouge everyone when there's a super easy and profitable way for the band and poster artists to make money. Total no-brainer.
  20. My dream guitar is either a Les Paul standard (I used to have one, but traded it in for my '65 Ludwigs...totally worth it at the time, but now I kind of regret it), or a vintage 335.
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