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cracked & hooked

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Everything posted by cracked & hooked

  1. Yeah, they were. But it's incredible how they can stop that shit on a dime.
  2. I always give a little whoop for my "cracked & hooked" namecheck.
  3. Another from Twitter: "hey everyone around me at the @wilco show, cool it with the farting. love, andy."
  4. Standing O O O This song makes me feel so good! I mope and I cry and attack!!!!
  5. Oh jeez. That's what I get for not paying attention in class. Silly of me to think that there weren't already pages on this subject. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  6. I gotta give you an LOL on that cause it's true, rare but true. As much as I love following along on the Twitter, I really wish these people would settle in to the moment.
  7. My mom is an Emily Dickinson scholar and we were discussing this song over dinner last night. According to Jeff, he took inspiration from Emily's work when writing this. I can definitely hear it. AND I LOVE IT!!!! I read it to my mom and it worked beautifully as a poem. It's beautiful and it rocks.
  8. Heh. From another guy on Twitter: "Nels Cline is pretty good at guitar."
  9. One Wing has been sounding incredible on this tour. Off the hook!!!
  10. I just... I can't get over the insanity of this song. It makes me feel funny inside. I'm usually laughing with tears in my eyes by the end - is that what delirium feels like? How do you create a frenzied masterpiece like this? How does this song get born without shifting the earth's axis? I should not be allowed to drive while listening to this This should have been the title track Would it be weird to have it played at my funeral? I think it should be played twice at shows. It's a great opener, but then it's over. I think they should open and close every show with it. I would like to see a mo
  11. I was at that show at The Chance, too, and it was definitely a fave. I love when they play the "tertiary markets" as Jeff said that night. (Also saw one of the Radio City shows and agree - we were way up in the balcony. The only thing I really remember about that show was during Hell is Chrome, after "he was not red" some asshat yelled out "WHAT COLOR WAS HE?" and I continue to fear that happening whenever they play it...). But we also saw them at Madison Square Garden on New Year's Eve and they rocked that place just fine. One of the best nights of my life. Just magical. Granted we were 8th
  12. I would support this movement! It's my fave part of the song, which is my fave song on the album and I love hearing it live.
  13. The Whole Love arrived here in western Connecticut today. My husband and I drove around our stupid town tonight, blasting it. I just cannot believe how incredible it sounds. IT SOUNDS INCREDIBLE! The production is sick. The Art of Almost just invades your body. We were tempted to pull into the parking lot at the teen center and blare it for the loitering yutes.
  14. Cool! I surfed past (and then back to) Mavis Staples on the very same stoop a while back. Any idea on an air date?
  15. What are the chances that they pull out an REM cover to pay their respects? I would plotz.
  16. Wha!?!?! Who are these miscreants! I adore it - one of my faves on the album. And they played it live for me in Montreal! It was a moment... ~ maybe you've noticed I'm not the same as almost anyone ~
  17. This was the case in Montreal as well with Handshake - it was an entirely new song. Same with Loneliness - killer piano solo from Pat on that. Exciting to hear the old stuff reworked!
  18. Haha, yes! I am right with you. I have tried, but I give up. It reminds me of a high school musical. So cheeseball. It's baffling to me that it even saw the light of day. The bicycle bell, the train conductor? How does that happen? I cringe. But I, too, love PW and the Leonard lyric in your signature, so we have a lot.
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