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cracked & hooked

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Everything posted by cracked & hooked

  1. "Honey, I took out the garbage." "Yeeeeeeeoooooowww!"
  2. I am there. A sweet Wilco elf surprised us with tickets. I've never looked so forward to a Monday before! No Sunday night blues this week!
  3. When are we gonna start to see these exorbitant ticket prices go down? Still looking for two for Tarrytown but will not pay $100 a piece. There's not a ton of tickets out there, but I hope the prices start to drop. I really need this show.
  4. Still looking for 2. Please and thank you! Rebajoco@sbcglobal.net
  5. Yeah, I can see it being user friendly under normal, non-Wilco related situations, but it did not work for this. I did go with quick-pick at first, but there weren't two together. So I tried to choose seats close by and while they appeared to be available, nothing would happen. Grrr... Silly thing to get worked up about, but it was frustrating and ultimately sad. My face literally hurts from frowning. Time to move on... LUNCHTIME! And yes, I'm usually the one who overbuys and has extras to unload, so hopefully my good karma will come around.
  6. Hi - Got shut out bad for the NY shows. Looking for 2 for Tarrytown, face or reasonable. Turn this frown upside down! rebajoco@sbcglobal.net Thanks!
  7. I am frowning so hard it hurts. That Tarrytown ticketing situation was one of the worst experiences of my life. So effing convoluted and misleading and bad. Anyone have two extras?
  8. It's apparently noon and not 10:00 as I had planned my entire morning around...
  9. DENIED!!! Urgh. I was in right on time and refreshing like a madwoman. After 5 minutes of that I called Front Gate and they said they were gone in a flash. I have never not gotten through on a pre-sale.
  10. Thanks! I feel a craft project coming on...
  11. In a word, yes. Every night I dream in Solid Sound motifs and situations, intense dreams, and wake up a little shaken. Even my husband, not prone to my obsessive tendencies, is still walking around in a Solid Sound Stupor (SSS). And while I've had an awesome summer in real life, the past few months at work have been very difficult. However, this past week I found myself practically whistling around the office and the week just flew by with little to no work-related angst. But still, I feel hungry for some follow-up, some closure or something. I keep hoping they'll throw us a bone of some sort
  12. Aw, thanks so much. That really means a lot to me. It's so comforting to know that others were affected in the same kind of inexplicable way. My husband keeps asking me "do other people feel the same way?" Yes, honey, there are others like us. We're still so totally blissed out. Maybe somebody really did spike the Kool-Aid...ooooooh yeah. sometimes good times are stuck inside of you
  13. Words have failed me, but this is kinda what it felt like: It’s just like if Wilco invited you over their house to hang out on a late summer afternoon. You know it would be some cool, funked out industrial playground of a space. Art everywhere. Their generous and fun-loving spirit would make you feel right at home but at the same time you’d be awestruck at your dumb luck. Nels would be stringing together some noisy loop of pedals in the basement and he’d let you play with them. Glenn would be tricking out these crazy drum heads and would want to show you how they work, how he brings them to
  14. Pics from Day One on my Flickr. I'm still trying to whittle the 50+ Tweedy dunk tank pics down to a less disturbing number...
  15. I love that one, too. Totally embodies the spirit of the event. I'm bummed we didn't go in that way! We got no high five!
  16. Amazing shots. I learned a lot from looking at them. I realized this weekend that I've become a pretty shitty photographer (and that I need a new camera!) but looking at these pics compared to mine taught me a lot. Thanks! I even saw myself in one!
  17. Glad it worked out! By the way, I have a couple pics of you getting your license plates signed by a soaking wet Tweedy! I will send them to you soon. Like so many others, we were awed and wowed by the entirety of this weekend and the generosity of spirit of this band. I'll try and get my thoughts together as I sort through 400 photos/videos and will share both soon. I just...I can't believe that just happened.
  18. SOLD to the man with the Wilco license plate!
  19. My husband and I will be driving up Route 7 from western Connecticut. A ride to MASS Moca has always been one of my favorite daytrips. It's unreal that Wilco will be waiting for me this time. We're staying at the Holiday Inn. Also - I have one extra ticket - it's listed in the ticket selling section. Make me an offer.
  20. I have one extra hard ticket for Solid Sound. I will priority mail it or meet you at the festival. Email me at rebajoco@sbcglobal.net
  21. This is something that I have struggled mightily with over the years but I've gotten much better lately at not letting it get to me. Staying in the moment, blocking it out. However, the two shows I went to last week - Montclair #2 and Hartford - left me seriously considering whether or not my show going days were over. The asshat:civilized person ratio was probably the worst I've experienced. There was a foursome in Montclair who only stopped talking and beer running long enough to makeout during You and I. There were these chicks behind us in Hartford who shrilled and cackled throughout. I lo
  22. Very cool. I'm embarrassed to admit that I googled "SeaBee in the Navy" thinking that was the name of your band. D'oh. Sounds like a cool guy. I moved away over 20 years ago and haven't been back in a few years, though my family still owns land there (camping anyone?). The area has definitely undergone a resurgence, particularly post 9/11. There was no outrageous breakfast place when I lived there, but you could get a stale buttered hard roll at the Citgo.
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