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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Ha..well at least we are kicking Delwares butt! That should be our motto! PS. We are called the Garden State for some reason. I have 160 miles of territory I cover for work in NJ. There is a surprising amount of farm land in NJ almost more than there is suburban sprawl if you believe it! A great NJ factoid.... 2/3 of the world's Eggplants come from NJ!
  2. As someone who has now visited all 50 states I can say Jersey doesn't smell bad! There was also recently a poll of most pollued states and NJ is no longer in the top 5! California is the new king of pollution...The only people who think NJ stinks either fly into Newark or drive the Turnpike or Parkway. If you are going to judge a state by an airport and two major highways I would say most states smell bad and stink! Anyhoo I think most states are jealous of NJ..we got the beach, mountains and can be in two major cities in less than 2 hours! NJ is also quite the hotbed in terms of the music s
  3. Yeah I know he really didn't tour much at all so the fact that you caught him is pretty wild! I am assuming this was the tour you caught? http://www.topix.com/forum/who/george-harrison/T25KUT9VMKARG3BD2
  4. I would have loved to see Harrison and Miles Davis even if it was late! I just got All Things Must Pass on vinyl and it is awesome!
  5. Did anyone say?? Uncle Tupelo-John Hardy! That song is a great closer!!!
  6. I may be alone in this department but Back to the Future is my favorite trilogy!
  7. Wilco- Bob Dylan's 49th Beard Jayhawks- Ann Jane Air- Mike Mills Better Than Ezra- Allison Folley Fountains of Wayne- Joe Rey R.E.M.- Time After Time (Ann Elise) Urge Overkill- Erica Kane
  8. I think I got a new number 1! When you call any company and you have to go through the automated prompts...I get especially angry when you press 0 and it doesn't get you to an operator or it hangs up on you!
  9. Be happy to help..send me a pm with any questions you may have when the time comes! My biggest sugestion in terms of the venue is get there early and secure a spot on the 2nd or 3rd balcony against the rails. The sightlines on the first level are not hot unless you are well over 6 ft tall or in the front few rows...
  10. You got the easy part done! For you out of towners..don't be dissapointed Terminal 5 is in a strange random area of the city with little to no bars/restauraunts nearby. If anyone need help planning or with suggestions I hope I can help you out!
  11. I still may be to this day one of the very few "Phish" fan who attends shows without added medicinal items!
  12. Umm no...but it was quite the party. His bus is what you imagine..shaggy purple carpeting, mirror balls, hazy! I got to dig it out but I got a picture with George Clinton and he is holding a giant jug of Prune Juice in the picture..I guess it is so he can keep going on the road...Anyway the strangest memory I have that night is someone in his posse was driving a beat up old mercedes to follow the bus and George was sitting in the pasenger seat just staring bug-eyed at a map of Ohio for minutes on end...I think he was partaking in some of the earlier activities and was fried!!!!
  13. Ugggh..tell me someone here has an extra for the Brooklyn show! I was slow to buy one because it falls on fathers day. Now that my fathers day plans are set I can freely go to the concert and now it is sold out! If anyone has one drop me a pm!
  14. Good idea for a thread! 1. Guster 2001 smallish club- They break into a version of Ice Ice Baby and ask for a guest from the audience to sing. Could have been the alcohol but I got up there and belted it out..Got photos and a bootleg as proof! 2. Guster 2002- Worked security for the show...got to later play Ryan Miller in a rousing 3 game match of racquetball of which I lost badly! Made a bet prior to said match and told him if I won the band would have to play the song Getting Even that night which they did anyways! 3. George Clinton 2002- Also worked secuirty. Hnug with Mr. Clinton, on
  15. Anyone see him solo before? Does he do any Jayhawks stuff? He is swinging through NYC next Tuesday and I am on the fence about going... I know he has a new album out...
  16. It will be a great show and you will have a good time..ZZTOP is a hoot too!
  17. You know I give Petty a lot of credit he certianly earned the right to do whatever he wants... I believe though that it will come at the expense of his popularity. If he wants to play larger vewnues though I think he will struggle if he starts cranking out mostly new songs..He should play mid sized venues in my mind if he wants to do that. The only propblem I see with Petty's quote is if he doesn't want to look back then cut out songs like Free Falling , Mary Jane's and American Girl too??
  18. Wow...for a career as varied as Petty's that setlist is awful!!! I was on the fence for going to the show but I think I will stay away. I was going to bring my wife who is a casual fan but this show wouldn't be good for a casual or even a longtime fan. I have seen Petty about 6 times and I know he puts on a good show but still.... I haven't even given the new album a listen but can't justify the $60 ticket with a setlist like that.
  19. I feel bad for the young kids who just want to see a show. I understand it as a protest but it is slightly misguided. If the Pixies wanted to prove a point the should play Israel and state where there support lies during the show or play a rally before the show which supports their views etc...
  20. The concert is for the citizens of Israel not the government. Punishing the wrong people if you ask me...there are pleanty of attrocities from almost all countries that bands play...
  21. Thanks for the offer! I just got back from Peru this week, hiking Machu Picchu...I am taking the wife out for the 2nd Anniversary tonight! Must do it another time! Next time I owe you a beer! We seem to go to the same concerts quite oftent!
  22. I heard Jay Do "Still be Around" back a few years ago at Joes Pub...Looks like a good setlist though..Was going to go tonight in Hoboken but am still recovering from a trip earlier in the week
  23. Ah that sucks! If it helps I have washed my cell phone and wallet! Phone worked again after a week of drying out! Don't lose hope yet!
  24. BARRY WHITE hands down! Close the thread, end of discussion..
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