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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. What time did they hit the stage? Also I requested too far apart.. I really hope they play it again tonight as this is the only show I can make!!
  2. I would like to thank you all for "nothing at all" sorry couldn't resist..shots before hand? Who's in?
  3. http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/28/youtube-music-service/ I hope not! One of my favorite things is to check out bands I am curious about on youtube via concert footage etc. Nothing last forever I guess..curious what pricing will be and if people who upload will get paid????
  4. Saw them last night the show was great!!
  5. Oh man that stinks! I got to see Cream when they Played MSG back in 2008?
  6. Lloyd Cole- I know nothing about him joining a friend.
  7. Nice setlist..interesting to note nothing off the last Wilco album
  8. Sure I have most of these already but I have none of them on vinyl.
  9. Nice I am seeing the Jayhawks on Tuesday in NYC at Town Hall then the Wednesday Capitol Theater show so I too will be doing this duo back to back! Will be fun!
  10. Although I was in Minnesota and South Dakota prior I combined them into a trip with North Dakota. We spent a few nights in Minneapolis, drove through South Dakota spent a night in Fargo then continued onto Winnipeg. It was an interesting trip. North Dakota wasn't bad I actually enjoyed Fargo!
  11. Congrats on almost meeting your goal! I reached my 50th state North Dakota just a few years ago!
  12. Thanks for the recommendations! For Hong Kong staying at The Peninsula and in Seoul I'm staying in Itaewon so sounds like I got some good locations down! I can't wait!
  13. So my wife is going to Honk Kong for work...I am tagging along. Stopping in Seoul first for 3 nights then onto Hong Kong for 5 more nights..I will be alone in Seoul! Anyone been before? Recommendations, Can't miss things etc? I plan on having tons of soju and pancakes! When in Hong Kong plan on hiking Dragon Back seeing the temples and Buddha's, stopping in Macau. I have quite a bit of free time and am up for almost anything...
  14. Does this count? I'm seeing Book of Mormon today.
  15. Afghan Whigs/Charles Bradley
  16. It was feb 15, 1997 irving plaza NYC
  17. I was at the original deli tray show back in 97...in addition at that show Jeff Crowd surfed
  18. I love Petty but he needs to shake up his set list. I heard the identical set list last month about 20 shows ago in NJ. Still a great show and the new album sounds great!
  19. Not sure what you are driving at but I would like to see more Tupelo songs in the mix at a Wilco show.
  20. I love when during a Wilco show they once in awhile bust out a Random Tupelo song. What five would you like to hear on the next tour? 1. Gun- would be great as a full band! 2. Nothing 3. No Sense in Loving 4. Watch me Fall 5. D. Boon
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