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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Actually I've heard it stated here that a vote for Nader = a vote for McCain, I'd wager the majority here would have no problem with a groundswell of support for a third party candidate (like Perot) who would take votes from McCain. And for the record I couldn
  2. I wonder how some of you felt about third party voting when Ross Perot took quite a few votes from an incumbent George Bush possibly swinging the election in Clintons favor. I know quite a few of you blame a third party Nader candidacy for Gores defeat.
  3. I was going to remind you that some here believe that the only way Obama can lose is if some evil Republicans steal the election through fraud but I didn't want that to be misconstrued as the ranting of a smug white guy.
  4. I'd totally post the "dick in a lightsocket img" but fear of reprimand is stopping me.
  5. I was. My parents still look back with fondness to the good old days of gas lines and mortgage interest rates in the high teens and low twentys.
  6. My bad. Of course I can't fathom why he would refer to McCain as our new President in any context considering his position.
  7. Was that before or after Biden talked about the test Obama would face in the next year? Talking about Al Qaeda supporting McCain is about as weak as calling Obama a closet Muslim trying to subvert the American way.
  8. So did Al Jazeera officially endorse McCain? I must have missed the announcement.
  9. Not a problem at all if it remained a privately owned entity. I'm pretty sure if the demand was there a store would open up to supply all your jimmy wrap and bc-pill needs. Now if the towns licensing authority banned the sale of contraceptive devices based on moral or religious beliefs, that would be a different matter.
  10. This would actually be a story if it were a VA (Veterans Administration) pharmacy that refused to sell a certain drug based upon personal religious and moral beliefs and not some small privately owned pharmacy in a strip mall in VA. Thanks for playing though.
  11. Imagine that. We have a Christian bookstore in town that only sells Christian books and the St. Cloud Diocese requires that you be a Catholic if you want to work for them. What is the world coming too?
  12. The school property across from my house has some nice granite block walls that were built during that era by the works programs, they are looking a bit ratty now so maybe they can get those fixed up a bit in the next couple of years.
  13. I used to have this discussion with my ex and her people quite often, they being idealists and working hard for the DFL, were all about how they were making a difference and that their candidate of choice (Kerry in 2004) was going to be the tool for evolutionary change in government. I being a bit more on the cynical side (and conservative to boot) argued that we will keep replaying the current cycle of Democrat-Republican-Up-Down until things get so bad there would be a very real revolution, until then comfort zones and complacency will win every time.
  14. I've seen alot more hate for the right spewed than vice versa.
  15. Much like Palin, I've gone rogue on certain issues.
  16. Um, yeah I grasp the concept. So to answer my question I should vote for McCain, yes? You know to do the smart thing.
  17. And that is change we can believe in! So I am supposed to vote for McCain because a few of his platform stances are closer to my beliefs than the other alternative? Is it really that wrong to vote third party in the hope that someday enough votes may be garnered allowing increased funding and interest in these parties so that perhaps they might become viable alternatives?
  18. So voting your beliefs and not accepting the status quo is being a selfish bastard and doing whatever is necessary to win is not. Nice point of view.
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