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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. And how many years has Europe had to develop these population centers and infrastructures, not to mention the social and psychological developments that come with dense populations. Versus say the United States.
  2. You figure out how to get the population of the United States to fit (willingly) into a landmass equivalent in size to Europe (about equal to Texas) and mass transit will be a perfect solution, until then let's figure out how to work within the current transportation infrastructure, i.e. cars.
  3. Are you talking from a home owner perspective or an investment banker/portfolio perspective. Regardless, If you are renting and it consumes greater than 35% of your net income annually and someone tells you they can put you into a home where you will build equity, have more than double the square footage, and reap the tax bennefits of ownership and at the same cost or less and you believe them, I don't know what to say. From the investment banker/portfolio perspective if you don't do your due diligence, you deserve to be busted by the system. A fool and his money and all that.
  4. This should be required in high school. They should require a financial survival skills math class to graduate, balancing check books, compund and simple interest, how your credit score works, how credit cards and loans work, and how mortgages/ real estate financing works.
  5. I've yet to attend a reunion (5yr, 10yr) and don't forsee attending my 20th. I didn't really want to bang any of those broads in highschool and I'm sure I'd be way less inclined to now.
  6. In regards to the mortgage bailout/predatory lender subject, as someone who spends a great deal of time working in real estate and real estate financing, I have yet to see a great number of homeowners who have been duped out of anything but their credit scores. Let me explain, I
  7. Once again, I can't fault those nasty corporations or anyone else for that matter for trying to get money/welfare/assistance from the government. As long as the Federal Government takes as much of the GDP as they do things will never change. As they say in business, do what ever get's you closest to the money.
  8. So why go through the whole collection process, why not let me set aside money for my own health care and reduce my taxes by the same? Why send 27% of my income to DC and then maybe, send some back as a Health Care Benefit? I've yet have anyone convince me that a Federally mandated and administered program is even remotely close to being as efficient as a localized system.
  9. When they play the Miller Lite beer garden band stand at the Benton County Fair, then I'll find it sad.
  10. From my perspective, the S.S. Obama could lose a starboard engine and still not steer enough to the right for me. To keep with the boat analogies.
  11. Wow, you guy's are like old.
  12. Easy for you to say hiding behind that alias, something about having enough sack... P.S. thanks for that clarification earlier. P.P.S. What does 'altruistic' mean?
  13. Caliber, Could you break this down to plain speakin' for an under-educated neocon? Thanks, JUDE
  14. God told Bush, the Vicar of Christ on earth to invade Iraq and take the pagans oil. Pretty easy to see. IMO.
  15. Not if your income is passive or you have losses to offset your income.
  16. You must be talking about Vietnam, they really didn't have anything worth taking.
  17. Isn't that what wars are about, taking other peoples shit?
  18. Well shit, had I known this whole Iraq thing was a Crusade, I'd have been all over joining up. I must have missed the Pope's proclimation.
  19. I don't base my beliefs on just two "Republicans", of course I don't base my beliefs on reality for the most part either.
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