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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Easy for you to say since you're the heir apparent to a multinational toy company empire.
  2. Rochester, wtf are they afraid of Minneapolis?
  3. Oh hell yeah, my brother and I made a volcano in the sand box and set up army guys around it. We then got the lawn mower gas can out and made "lava streams" and ignited them (Think Raiders of the Lost Ark melting Nazi
  4. Some one posted a green machine awhile back, that pretty much trumped every big wheel in the hood. I thought it was useless to post one after that.
  5. Chinese Democracy Any decent post Cliff Burton Metallica Album and about 7 Ryan Adams Albums
  6. Some people are wired for that stuff, some aren't. I'm not making a judgement on other peoples preferences, nor should you. P.S. Jump to conclusions much?
  7. Last I heard they had male prostitutes too. Hire away.
  8. or maybe it's just easier to cut to the chase and pay for the services, rather than do some stupid dance and ritual that we hope ends up with the same result.
  9. I've still got a set of these.
  10. I've never been able to like Eric Roberts in anything since seeing that movie. He actually creeps me out. Totally.
  11. For the record, if I had bigger bank I'd be gettin some 5-star tail.
  12. I was devestated when he died. I was like it's the future and he died from blood loss, what a jip. RIP.
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