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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. "Who let the dogs out" I'm not married but someday!
  2. Not my point, my point is you must be extremely stupid or arrogant to think that in a position of scrutiny, such as Governor, you can get away with anything.
  3. How dumb can a person be, you can't even run for dog catcher and expect that the media won't dig up every bit they can on you. Like this was going to be kept secret.
  4. My father has spent no less than $58,000 on antenna's in his lifetime. "I'll be goddamned if I'll be in debt to those cable companies".
  5. Maybe I will, at least they don't hang on to some antiquated bull crap concept.
  6. Now this I can get behind. I just don't understand the purpose of the fall change, daylight hours are so short in the winter what do you really gain?
  7. Why is fantasy always better than reality? Stir it up.
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