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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Ryan get's alot of crap for releasing too much material, but the $4.99 I spent for this EP at the Electric Fetus was well worth it. Seven songs for five bucks, not to bad, hell it could have been just Blue Hotel, Down in a Hole and Dear John and it would have been worth it to me.
  2. English Motherfucker, do you speak it?
  3. After an offense as great as that, scourging would be an acceptable start.
  4. These guy's are all jerks, let's get of here. I'll buy you a slushie.
  5. Archive.org has the entire show from June. Excellent
  6. Blue Hotel Minneapolis June 07'
  7. 28 bitches. I skipped all multi-part questions
  8. Seriously, fossil fuels are unreplenishable? Thanks for clearing that up for me. Who'd a thunk?
  9. For awhile, then all of the people who over-extended themselves on credit will lose their autos so demand will go down.
  10. This one will be much worse in my opinion. If you look at housing related employment vs. the tech market this will have far reaching consequences/fall out. I'm not an end of the world guy but, I think it will get bad.
  11. Did they play Hungry Like the Wolf? That song has some kick ass drumming on it.
  12. Do you wear the bear suit when out saving the world from villainy and evil?
  13. France - toast Denmark - Panakuken USA - Coke Turkey - tobacco
  14. What about the chicks in grocery stores thing. What's your position on that issue?
  15. Yeah, WTF? The theory is the grocery is supposed to be a good place to meet chicks. Not that I've seen evidence to support it.
  16. I rarely use my phone, and not once while in line at the grocery store, but I stand by my statement that the checkout girls are vaguely aware of the customers presence during the transaction, and completely forget about them seconds later. P.S. My phone has a GPS/Tom Tom built in so I am rarely lost.
  17. I'm not delusional about my own importance, but if you think that the grocery clerk is paying attention to you or even remembers that you exist five minutes after you leave the store, "Dont fool yourself of being that important".
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