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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Polls look pretty good for the Democrats today (not as good the last few days before that). Could just be a a fluke. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/
  2. I thought they were both quite good, Calexico better.
  3. The Navy Times, etc. are all running similar columns.
  4. The number of consecutive gold glove winners at this point shows how bogus the voting is.
  5. There are three players that you could make a case for at third base. Eric Chavez is not one of them.
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061102/ap_on_...c_download_suit It said Michelle Santangelo, 20, has acknowledged downloading songs on the family computer and that her brother, Robert, 16, had been implicated in statements his best friend made. It accuses the two of downloading and distributing over 1,000 songs, including "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)" by the Offspring, "MMMBop" by Hanson and "Beat It" by Michael Jackson.
  7. We have a different definition of spin, then. In my mind, spin is all about intent.
  8. This thread is dumb. John, you open yourself to ridicule by coming out swinging, saying that people are spinning without knowing anything about them or where they're coming from. It lacks context like the Kerry soundbite, see? Gary, political threads are heated enough without insults. They add nothing to the board but bluster. Cool it.
  9. Anyone have a transcript of Kerry's speech at PCC? I'm trying to find one.
  10. Bill O'Reilly said that Kerry was talking about the President, not the troops last night.
  11. It's hard to understand the cruel, cruel summer of a water ban.
  12. Usernames starting with A-M should download tonight. N-Z tomorrow night. Avoid overloading the servers.
  13. We'll see. Have they looked slow as in bad in the past or slow as in they're playing in sand? The Bulls have started badly the last couple seasons. Not sure that has any bearing ony anything.
  14. I'm sure the Heat are off because of ring night, but they look really slow.
  15. Are you sure you have the right numbers? Maybe Karl Rove's math has Kinky winning.
  16. It is probably an artifact from the Napster/whatever days when people would mislabel songs (in the id3 tags in this case, I suspect) and said files would spread around the net--often with a misunderstanding about who actually performed the song. The best example of this might be The Gourds' cover of Gin and Juice, which was attributed to about 10 mostly better known bands.
  17. They're mediocre at best. Especially that Urlacher guy.
  18. Ah, I wasn't clear in my post. There was only one that was your 17 year old with 15 year old (or whatever) type. All the rest were your standard predators.
  19. I would think there'd have to be a conviction before they would show up in a registry. Think about it.
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