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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. So who was the dude calling Alexei Ramirez a pathetic excuse for a ballplayer?
  2. I don't think it'll be rained out today. They may postpone it a few hours. I guess they would do a possible day/night double header tomorrow or postpone the play-in game (if necessary) by a day.
  3. The backstory to today's pitching matchup today is pretty fun. The two pitchers were traded for each other following the 2006 season. "Big Game" Sweaty Freddy had already lost his velocity for the 2006 White Sox, but added a pitch and was an effective innings eater. Gavin Floyd was a failed propsect for the Phillies. Gavin has been pretty good this year, while Freddy has pitched twice this season after having been injured. Freddy is also Ozzie's niece's husband and they are good friends who drink a lot together during the off season.
  4. Someone brought this up in church yesterday. Apparently the Mennonite Central Committee has taken a lot of flack for this, including from some Mennonites. I suggest that you write them if this heartens you. They have had programs in Iran for years and feel like these conversations have been fruitful.
  5. Yeah, I really dislike that most of the "analysis" consists of giving equal time to campaign spinmeisters. It's because it's all about the scoop and in this case the scoop is how the campaigns will frame the debate.
  6. I watched the first 2/3rds and thought McCain won. Not that I agreed with him more on the issues, but he seemed to score more points, as it were.
  7. I would think the medical field is probably largely recession-proof.
  8. Good thing they haven't been going around telling everyone they stopped the bridge to nowhere .
  9. Thank you. News cycle will bring upswings and downswings. I suspect it will still be real close, with Obama taking the upper Midwest states, PA, NH, CO, and NM. I think McCain will take FL, VA, OH, IN, and NV. That would put Obama at 273.
  10. #8 left the fold after selling out the country for a bag of silver.
  11. Moody Bible institute's dress code forbids long hair or sandals for their male students. I believe.
  12. Well, a generator could use a battery, but a generator suggests a gasoline engine or something like that. Battery doesn't (necessarily). Let's argue about i some more. Hopefully to the death.
  13. Because it's neato? Or maybe it was misreported and he was watching one on a generator or some home battery backup.
  14. Could be that. Could also be just reaching middle age or realizing that his company was hugely successful and it was pointless to focus just on making money/building the company any more. Could be the specter of aging making him wonder what people would think of him after his death, etc.
  15. Gates was hated before his charitable turn--criticized for, guess what, not being much of a philanthropist. That's changed in the last 10-15 years.
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