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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Well, there's not nearly enough data to figure the bolded out. That's my point. It would just be speculation. If there was one person selling one ticket and she has first dibs, the odds that it would be one of the tickets she wants would be 2/5999 - or approximately 1 in 3000. I think. I can get you that far. Best method would be to post that you're looking for those specific tickets on craigslist or a radiohead board or whatever, but obviously the chances of that working are slim. She could search for those tickets on craigslist, ebay, radiohead boards, and ticket broker sites. If yo
  2. So you want to know the odds of getting tickets to a sold out show? A sold out show meaning that no tickets are available? Is this really a math question? I'm confused.
  3. The looks on the fans faces are pretty funny. They look like they're not so sure about all of this.
  4. I think people should maybe figure out what the reorganization plan is before getting all pissed at InBev.
  5. Are those buggers on the decline? Seems like it's been a while since I've had to dodge them at the grocery. Maybe they're popular enough that some etiquette has been established.
  6. Is that suprervised, structured, or un? Seems like you might be stalking them from afar.
  7. Let's see how long the dude advocating that kids play outdoors and the dude who takes his kid outdoors all the time can find things to disagree on. I don't see why both can't be right. That is, both that kids need more unstructured, outdoor playtime and that kids are less respectful today, etc.
  8. You think he was talking about Modern Guilt, but it turns out that he was describing his hair cut.
  9. The thing about Torpark is that it's not super reliable. It's kind of an ad-hoc network. Sometimes it's slow to start up and mlb recognizes certain IP addresses as proxy servers. If they're doing a trial period, I'd make sure it works well enough before committing.
  10. U.S. postal code "32816" (University of Central Florida address) is subject to blackout for the following MLB teams: Tampa Bay Devil Rays Florida Marlins
  11. Use torpark or something like that to hide your IP address -- make it look like you're online somewhere else.
  12. I bet Orlando is considered in market for the Marlins by mlb.tv. There are ways around the in-market blackout, but they are kind of annoying. But yes, you can share an account (no idea about the legality, but it's easily done).
  13. I wasn't discussing his ego. You essentially said that he wasn't a reverend. He has a Masters of Divinity from Chicago Theological Seminary. I'm not too fond of the guy, I'm just not sure why you are comparing his credentials to an online whatever.
  14. Did your sister-in-law attend seminary? Did she leave seminary to work in the civil rights movement?
  15. I kinda think the Tigers have the best shot of any team to challenge the White Sox for the division. I'm not so sure that they're out of it.
  16. I heard that the Dorito-eating 24 year-old dude didn't know what he was talking about, maybe.
  17. So some folks I know have spitballed that this might be a bit of political theater. Any thoughts?
  18. So I'm guessing that many of you have seen this video of McCain answering a question about health insurance coverage for birth control. It's priceless. Q: I guess her statement was that it was unfair that health-insurance companies cover Viagra but not birth control. Do you have an opinion on that? McCain: (silence) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q8obHEULLg
  19. Also, it was not a vote to sue or not to sue. It was to protect or not to protect. Why do they deserve of special protection?
  20. They did not do what the law of the land told them to do. They did what the executive branch told them to do. The executive branch is not the law of the land. It was not an ambiguous point of law, either.
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