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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I'm going to give Clay a call in an hour or two to discuss whether this is spam or not.
  2. I have fixed feelings about this--for hard to explain reasons. I'll out-nickerson jnickerson and refer people to something they probably won't read: an essay unavailable on the web titled "Why Gays (as a Group) are Morally Superior to Christians (as a Group)"
  3. Are you disagreeing that it "Doesn't seem all that plausible that he wouldn't know what "undivided" would mean to his audience"?
  4. If you're a ghost, will you be fading with the light?
  5. Since he made that speech, Obama has said he meant undivided in some other sense than everyone else means it. He says he just meant undivided by fences/barbed wire or something like that--not undivided in terms of Israeli/Palestine territory. Doesn't seem all that plausible that he wouldn't know what "undivided" would mean to his audience.
  6. Reminds me that shortly after September 11th (it might have even been that evening), I heard a coworker talking about a speech W made. She said "You have to read between the lines...he's talking about that Habib guy (Osama Bin Laden)."
  7. http://www.lovelab.id.ucsb.edu/grandma.html (rock fish, orange ruffy, etc.)
  8. Congrats Cubs fans. That was quite a beating. See you at the Cell. Farmer and Stone were quite bitter and making all kinds of allegations (especially about Soto). It was amusing.
  9. At least they're not lacking for enthusiasm!
  10. It's apparently humming with a Bird/Kotche collaboration.
  11. Picked up this Schwinn World Sport (age undetermined) today. My Raleigh's frame is bent.
  12. What does George Soros have to do with public financing? If anything, Obama has discouraged his supporters from donating to 527s--which is the type of group that could benefit from a Soros.
  13. MoveOn is apparently making moves to close their 527 in light of Obama's candidacy.
  14. My cousin has a couple and likes them. However, he has had to do some work on them (he's a mechanic).
  15. Edwards equivocates on VP possibility: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...ds-has-not.html
  16. A good thread on the horrific 1999 Turn Ahead The Clock jerseys for all you uni hawks: http://www.whitesoxinteractive.com/vbullet...ad.php?t=102426
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