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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Buying a "beat-up," quirky guitar that imitates your hero's seems to be a little like buying pre-ripped jeans. Only most people won't know that your jeans were pre-ripped. Or something.
  2. Other than his uncharacteristic performance, the bad thing about Jones is that it looks like he's carrying some bad weight. If he doesn't slim down his drop in performance could very well be permanent. Hard to say.
  3. I'm concerned because I feel like Beltmann puts a lot of intellectual firepower into his posts and he's using it against a guy with a flag that says "bang!"
  4. There's a link in the original blogpost: http://youcrazydreamers.com/2007/10/24/rya...-the-lights-ep/ Also here (live version): http://indiefolkforever.blogspot.com/2007/...-in-chains.html
  5. I would think so. I think most people are just assuming they won't do that, though.
  6. So I pretty much lost interest in his recorded output a while back. KEXP has been playing his cover of Down In A Hole. Say what you want about the guy, but he's got a set of pipes. http://hypem.com/track/408030
  7. For whatever reason they have always started slow under Skiles. I assume they haven't suddenly gotten bad at basketball and will still be a 48-52 win team. Of course, that total could be much higher with Kobe.
  8. I would appreciate an invite to waffles. I don't really have anything to trade unless someone wants an invite to myspleen (geeky tv shows).
  9. That Magnum Moonjump is totally baffling. It pleases me.
  10. I think we're trying to reach causes for that sort of thing. You know, like cell phones.
  11. Show you our chili? Well, ok. If you say so.
  12. http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/nba/nbacom...botn_071108.asx The NBA thread: ATATT
  13. "My pockets are loaded and I'm spending every dime."
  14. I don't believe that was on a two-pass day, but you can see quite clearly that I am glowing.
  15. Oh yeah. There is a lady who sells high-quality homemade shaving soaps on ebay for $3 a puck. Pretty neat.
  16. Your scavenger friends can always sell them on Amazon.
  17. There was a good-sized TV next to our apartment dumpster with a remote and note reading "works" taped to it. We didn't take it because we have no room/use for another TV, but I've retrieved an office chair and a rocking chair from the dumpster. My father once told me that scavenging is an ancient and noble art.
  18. Today I am sporting a two-pass shave. Once with the grain and once against. Thought you would all want to know.
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