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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Last night after of few beers. Talking about turning guys down who want to dance with you. Claudia swears this is a true story: Claudia: It was when I lived in Texas. I go to the same bar every Wednesday night for a couple of beers and a sammich. I go there for the music, but I never dance. There's this parapalegic guy there every week too. One night, the guy comes over and asks me to dance. I say, "No thanks." The dude says, "What are you prejudice??", and procedes to do a spin on his arm to show off his style and capabilities, and I'm saying, "Dude, you're in here every week, you know I ne
  2. Of the beautiful lake? Sure, why not. Of my shapely ass? Only if you're getting telephoto shots from the air.
  3. Some of this: In this: LONG WEEKEND!!!
  4. The combination of chainsaw, two wheeler, 65 degrees and one very strong man, we put two of these 250 pounders in the ground today. Can't wait till they bloom next spring.
  5. I think she was starting her new gig around nowish. We should see her soon.
  6. Have I heard this story? I tend to grin maniacally during...well, never mind.
  7. This was the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long, long time. If he had any sense, he was drinking Chimay Tripel.
  8. Skinny dipping and hiking in my beloved Ozarks. Celebrating my old friend's birthday. Ahhhh.
  9. Now outing my total geekishness...this guy is frequently wet. Um, he does the same for me. Weather guy Jim Cantore.
  10. Sad, sad news, Katherine. I am so very sorry. I give pretty good hugs...here's one coming to you across the miles .
  11. "To qualify for federal funding under the bill, newer embryos could be used in studies only if they..." I understand that we're talking about federal funding for research. I tend to take a longer view than hot button political topics. Just tossing around some stuff outta my head. There I go, extrapolating again. Doh! Though it is a certainty that George Bush has appalling table manners and posture.
  12. I told myself not to weigh in on this, but just a thought. Medical ethics is careful consideration of not simply the immediate moral cost/benefit, but also the careful consideration for the long term. When organ transplant became a viable option, there was concern about the ethical question of who gets a new organ. Who wins the prize? Should my sister, a long term alcoholic, dying of acute liver disease be a candidate for liver transplant? Should Keith Richards? David Crosby? They have the money to buy a billion livers. Someone has to make these decisions. If stem cell research discovers
  13. Oh. I knew he was associated with Harry Potter somehow. The older I get, the lamer I get with regards to attending to popular culture. I am beginning to realize what an anomaly I have become. I guess I spend too much time outside. And reading books. All the other stuff is just not nearly as interesting.
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