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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Neil Young's visit hurt me. "There is no need for the salty talk."
  2. No. I said the f* word though. *fascists
  3. I'm going to continue to vote for who I bloody well please.
  4. Sarah attends an urban school which is Charlie Parker's alma mater. I'm sure it's an anomoly. The KC suburbs are chock full of Evangelical Republicans.
  5. My 7th grade daughter's jr high school had a mock election yesterday. Obama: 247 McCain: 17
  6. I have voted in more presidential elections than Analogman but not as many as Lou.
  7. I wonder if viatroy voted the Communist ticket that year.
  8. Me too. Such a great tour. What a pristine recording!
  9. I also voted for Barry Commoner in 1980. So, out of 8 possible elections, I have voted third party 3 times.
  10. Voted for him both times. I blame myself for this mess.
  11. sigh Yeah, this is a wonderful cover. Thank you for posting, Morgan.
  12. Nickel Creek were an unabashed Wilco fan band. They covered Wilco every time I saw them, Poor Places and IATTBYH come immediately to mind. Punch Bros. are teh awesome.
  13. It's a great shot though. The photographer was on his belly with a big ass camera with a big ass flash.
  14. Whenever dudes on a message board start speculating who gobbles whose knob, it's a circle jerk. Speaking of which: A five dollar virtual bill to anyone that comes up with an image of National Lampoon's Boy's Life cover parody.
  15. Can we start talking about things like the collective unconscious, quantum physics and the intersection of consciousness and matter now? The SkyGod debate has come down to a circle jerk. A couple more posts and you'll be citing Hitler.
  16. in time for Tuesday UPS brings LCD
  17. I practice an atheistic religion with gnostic cross training. I just can't seem to get myself all riled up about what other people believe.
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