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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Having sat alone watching the rain and the night come after fights with a lover, these lyrics actually seem pretty straight forward (though beautifully poetic) to me. 'No one wins but the thieves, so why side with anything' I think this speaks about the desire and willingness to compromise in relationship/marriage, when the only other option is breaking up. Why take sides or hold to a position when so much is at stake? The' thieves' being those who profit from divorce. That's my interpretation anyway. It's the greatest part of poetry really. You have to give the words some part of yoursel
  2. Also there is an entire Solid State Technology thread devoted to member's bands here: 'Links to your band'
  3. A couple of cute boys dropped by to wish you a happy birthday. Have a great day Sarah!
  4. I picked up a little gift for you! (I laughed so hard at this, I think I broke something. Yes, I know I'm a I'm a sick twist.) I hope you have a great day. It's a birthday you'll always remember, I'm sure. xxoo, M. (hris
  5. I sent a friend this link. He loves nothing more than to tease me about my love affair with Wilco, so of course I send him every example of my uberfandom. Why? 'Cause that's how I roll. His reply: "Subject: are you on comission? I can't believe you sent me an Amazon link. It's not even out for 2 weeks. Weirdo. On the other hand, here's how much of a nerd I am: the guitar that Tweedy is playing? It's a Gibson, Barney Kessel model. The unique Florentine cutaway gives it away. Can't tell you what year though." I love these teaser videos. Can't wait to get the whole shebang in the mail.
  6. The boy has some mitts on him, and quite the neck grip.
  7. It's Lou's birthday and he's older than me! Happy birthday, Lou. I hope you have a great year.
  8. Fuck you, too. Don't call me "lady". I come in here, I give these things to you, you check, you make your phone calls, look suspicious, ask questions. I'm sick. I have sickness all around me and you fucking ask me about my life? "What's wrong?" Have you seen death in your bed? In your house? Where's your fucking decency? And then I'm asked fucking questions. What's... wrong? You suck my dick. That's what's wrong. And you, you fucking call me "lady"? Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on both of you.
  9. My favorite wedding reception had an amazing klezmer band play. Man, that was fun! We danced like crazy people all night.
  10. Nobody went crazy for the amazing A of H percussionist? Girls were throwing their panties on the stage the show I saw.
  11. That's the weird thing about plants as gifts; there is often a certain presumed responsibility by the giver to the recipient. When I give plants as gifts (and except to gardening buddies, a rare occurence for that very reason), I always understand, as well as communicate, that there is no pressure or expectation to keep the plant alive. Gifts don't need to have stress strings attached to them. Care of Phalaenopsis Orchids
  12. I wonder what kind of 'enhancements' the Ben & Jerry's flavor designers use before they go to work in the morning.
  13. Yep, that is usually the last one to drop. Sounds like everything is fine. My blooms generally last about 2 months start to finish. Now you wait another 10 months or so for the next bloom cycle... In the meantime, you might do a little research about how to bring it back to bloom next year. Orchids are wonderful plants but rather plain for most of the year. Patience is the lesson. Also, just as reference, I water my orchids once every week or two.
  14. What do you mean by 'dying'? Are the blooms dying and falling off? That's normal. Orchids bloom once a year, and their blossoms last a long time. When all of the individual blossoms die you need to prune the flower stalk. If the foliage is dying that's a bit more complicated. For me to even have a clue about that, I would need to look at a picture or at least have a little more info. How many times have you watered it since you started this thread? High pressure halide and sodium, but Flick is off the weed.
  15. Clay, it finally opened last year. I have yet to visit, though I have heard that it is wonderful. This is another part of the city that is chock full of interesting things to do. Union Station/Science City, Crown Center/Hallmark and the WWI Museum are all within walking distance of each other. In fact, and this is pretty cool, much of it is connected by elevated, covered walkways.
  16. I'm actually pleased that I hadn't heard Armchair many times before I saw the show. It makes listening now that much sweeter somehow.
  17. Nice! I think the Blue Note has a capacity of 950, though I can see that his band's performance would be just as powerful in larger venues. Martin Dosh and Jeremy Ylvisaker () are both tremendous musicians as well.
  18. Lawrence is one of my all time favorite towns! (not that it has any bearing on anything. )
  19. And to check nightlife before you hit town, check the online weekly alternative the Pitch.
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