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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Best advice in the thread. Based on the OP, I would guess that the guy likes the lighter/wheatier beers, which means witbier (Hoegaarden is an example), hefeweizen (should be plentiful) or tripels (Chimay and many other make them, may be tough to find - I can verify that Boulevard's is pretty nice). Pilsner, too. There are a multitude of choices out there. If you want something for him to have when he gets in, go for a six pack of Hoegaarden; otherwise, just go to your neighborhood beer/liquor store when he gets in and let him pick something.
  2. Shiner Hefeweizen is pretty good. If it's available in Chicago, go for it. Also, as DSC says, Czech pilsners (the name comes from Plzen, a town in the Czech Republic), are excellent, although the imports are nothing compared to what you get at the source. Czechvar is good (and probably easiest to find/best known), although you should be fine with any pilsner that comes out of Czech. If it's got a freshness date, even better. It's a long trip from central Europe, and sometimes the specialty beers sit in the warehouse for a while - and, unlike bourbon (or some other beers), these things don't ge
  4. Yeah, "Cosmose" doesn't mean anything.
  5. Glavine's ERA is 189.00 today. His WHIP was only 21.00.
  6. NFL on Fox just used "It's Business Time" as their segue piece from pre-game into the Dallas/St. Louis game.
  7. I am listening to The Beatles RIGHT NOW, and I always skip "Back in the USSR."
  8. I did not realize Jared Leto was Dutch, or a youth.
  9. No doubt, he's an entertaining interview, but he's a little whacked, too.
  10. No offense meant by my previous post. I did not know the names of the women involved, and what I typed is pretty much what happened. I would have said the same thing had a similar turn of events unfolded during a men's match that I had on in the background while I was eating my soy yogurt before work (although I probably would have said "dude(s)" instead of "chick(s)).
  11. Do people really take anything Curt Schilling says seriously? That said, Papelbon is clearly an abnormal personality.
  12. A perfectly valid opinion, but an opinion nonetheless.
  13. I knew what that was going to be before I even clicked.
  14. Once I work out the details on the forklift & freight, ction (I mean a "surprise") will be headed your way, baked inside a cake. Happy birthday, Mr. Maloney.
  15. I bet the gloves make playing keyboard (not to mention woodwind) instruments difficult.
  16. Except that dude couldn't write a song to save his life. Have you heard "Fredericksburg (More Like 'Deadricksburg)"? Pure crap, that. And Revolver, Sgt. Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour aren't the Beatles' early recordings. In fact, the whole point of those albums - the second two especially - was to see what they could do with different techniques in the studio, and to attempt to record those songs straight to tape would have completely defeated the purpose.
  17. That's okay, I don't quite understand it either. I just don't think it's possible to top the emotion of the vocal performance in that song. To me, it's perfect, and nothing the Beatles did comes close.
  18. You forgot Jawbone, which is a better performance than anything the Beatles ever did. I'm gonna agree with Adam2 that Richard Manuel had a better voice than John, Paul, George or Ringo, but one voice doesn't make the Band a better group than the Beatles. To me, it's not even close. Not Holocaust-denial nondebatable, but just about. Nobody beats the Beatles.
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