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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Vote yes or no or one of the other two.
  2. Why - did he turn down your application?
  3. caliber66

    Sell Out!

    You really should have been more vigilant. Think of how long you have been betraying your values by listening to Wilco.
  4. Every one of your posts is here for anyone to read.
  5. Then you should post in any one of the other three threads on this topic. There's no need for another one.
  6. What you say is "instinctual" is not instictive at all, but rather learned. Just because someone teaches you something in your youth doesn't mean it's right - but it doesn't mean it's wrong either. Hang onto your ideals if you feel you must.
  7. I definitely stole the idea from that, but I went out and found it again, on my own, in a larger format.
  8. Jeff's wife has an account here, and has posted a thread on the subject. The band is aware of a lot of things that go on here.
  9. I'm pretty sure Tweedy has used art to get both paid and laid since he began making music with the Primatives.
  10. Actually, I meant to say "Rick Astley." Boy is my face red.
  11. Captain dots: You have shown that you can have a sense of humor at times, you're articulate and you're certainly passionate about music. Yet the only place you post is in these threads, where you are automatically on the defensive, and you're not making any friends by continuing to harp on a subject on which just about everyone here disagrees with you. How about making some forays out into the other forums and just hanging out a bit? Because while this has certainly been an entertaining couple days, the only thing new that anyone has added lately has been the chapter of that book you've post
  12. No way of knowing just how much he was or was not joking. Clearly Jeff thinks he should be making money off his music, or he wouldn't sell it at all. How about this as a rationale for the ads: Jeff makes it so his audience doesn't have to pay to hear these songs by getting a corporation to pay for the privelege of playing them for us. That's exactly how I (and, I imagine, a lot of people) found out about Nick Drake. I'm sure it will work very well for Wilco also. There's no need to lock a thread because it has active discussion on a topic that you don't agree with.
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