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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Plenty of people seem to think there is something to get on SBS, and I'm not entirely sure it's just blind adoration talking (although I'm sure it's a factor to some degree with some). I definitely don't put YHF in the same bin as SBS, but I don't think it's a pile, either. In conclusion, David Fricke has big teeth.
  2. Just saying. If I say I sprained my eyeball looking at an eclipse last summer, and a reporter quotes me on that and uses it as the headline for an article, it's not exactly senstionalism
  3. Let It Be is a fantastic album, marred, perhaps by its production. There's nothing wrong with the songs on that one.
  4. I like the new album just fine. Could it be better? Sure. I might even like to see Jay back in the band to see what he can do with it, but I'm not sure he's a good fit right now. Jeff has clearly moved on and isn't interested in going back to 1997. I'd also like to see Mike Heidorn and the Boquist brothers back in Son Volt, but I don't think that's gonna happen either.
  5. Relax, dude. There's a million threads here about a variety of topics. You don't have to read this one. He posted his opinion (a complaint, sure), to which he is entitled. Yeah, Palace isn't as good as Plastic Ono Band, but Wilco aren't the Beatles, either. Good stuff - I have that out to put on my iPod one of these days... And if you don't like the thread, you don't have to read it. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.
  6. Bigger Than Blue and was there another one?
  7. Lots of people have The Palace at 4 a.m., and the rest of Jay's post-Wilco output. He's doing okay. Jay didn't play on A.M.
  8. If you're serious, I know I have it on a disc I burned with my personal files from my work computer when I moved up here. But you'll have to wait until I get home. Shouldn't you be answering the phones or sending an angry email to the boss anyway?
  9. I'm kidding. Just pointing out that if you're downloading and not sharing, you're asking everyone else to assume the risk you're not willing to bear. But it's moot, because the other users are clearly willing to risk sharing whether you are or not. As A-man posted, P2P (Limewire included) is inherently risky. My only real experience with P2P sharing, aside from Oink, was one of the -ster clones a few years ago. I think I'm pretty safe from prosecution for sharing "Bang" by Gorky Park.
  10. I dispute that this is the strongest Wilco lineup ever. I also happen to agree with the reviewer that "Shake It Off" is the weakest track on the album. And if you think everyone who doesn't like the album just needs to listen to it more, you're insane.
  11. If it isn't, it's probably Pitchfork's fault.
  12. I would imagine the Russian one would be a definite no-no, since they are actually profiting, and there's no way in hell RIAA is getting a cut. As far as downloading and not sharing, I think that's probably much safer, but more of a dick move.
  13. No doubt, but then that was always my intention.
  14. Blue and orange striped tie, blue blazer, khakis, dirty white hat. Booyah. Sorry, kids. Back to the regularly scheduled programming.
  15. We owned a share in some pigs on our friends' farm in the late 80s. We used to bring them our grass clippings to eat, but I don't remember them eating corn shuckings. Probably because we didn't give them any. And I drank Jim Beam in my coat and tie at football games, thank you very much. And the occasional mint julep. Mmmm, college.
  16. I think it's rather some guy trying to sound homey who shouldn't.
  17. Yeah, you guys are having a cow.
  18. No, seriously. I know what shucking corn is, and it has nothing to do with the stalk, and everything to do with getting the husks and silk off the ears. What's shucking cornstalks? I've got to say that "Richard Manuel birthing vocalized ghosts," is a nice image, if a little over the top.
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