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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Not the last time I checked, no.
  2. Yeah, I have them, but apparently not on my iPod for whatever reason, and that was my impression, too. I'm glad they went with Corey Harris on "Against the Law."
  3. He's not asking for a record, he's asking for someone to send him one song that he already owns (or so he claims), but is on a disc he can't find. I don't see the problem with this.
  4. I'm pretty sure he specifically said he didn't want to buy the Anthology. I won't be able to post it from work, but I'll see if you've been taken care of this evening when I get home.
  5. I'm going to assume it's in order of number of non-instrumental tracks: AM Demos Summerteeth Demos SBS Demos* YHF Demos YHF Engineer Demos *tentative You are correct that there was little to no evidence that he was ordering the demos by preference. There was some evidence, however, that he was going chronologically.
  6. Fair enough. I also don't see what the problem is with having a FAQ as a resource for people who would like to ask questions that have already been answered. Nothing wrong with someone posting a thread, and if someone has anything new to add, great, but the FAQs can be there as a supplement.
  7. I believe the implication was, you can bump your post as often and as obnoxiously as you care to, but that won't change anything if no one can help you. Do you want everyone who doesn't have a means of hooking you up with the episode to respond to your post? I'll go first: I can't help you.
  8. While I agree (and my own sarcastic post notwithstanding), I think this sort of question is actually the perfect thing for such a FAQ. What's to discuss? There aren't demos for Being There and nothing from AGIB, unless you count the Wilco book CD, has surfaced.
  9. Question #2: If no one reads the pinned topics anyway, who's to say they would read a pinned FAQ?
  10. I actually hadn't read the second part - figured I'd save myself the trouble of slogging through it until I got home and downloaded the tracks - sad to hear about Jay being in pain. Probably not the best guy to be carting around a bag full of pain killers. I hope he's able to find something that works, and get off the rest.
  11. Daytrotter needs to hire some better writers. Jesus, that was a mess. Per-fucking-cept? Nice interview, glad to see Jay's still getting out there.
  12. Joe Morgan & Jon Miller mentioned that (I believe) Papelbon had zero five-out saves last year, and here he got one in his second appearance of the season, so there's that.
  13. I believe closers can often be used better, but I don't have any problem with them coming in with a three run lead in the ninth. What he said. Is there an accounting of blown holds? Still, if it's a 2-1 game in the eighth and you can't count on your team to put up runs, I don't see how bringing in the closer in the eighth makes any more sense than holding him for the ninth. You don't have any reason to expect your batters to produce any new runs, and the other reliever you'll need to bring in for the ninth will just inherit that same 2-1 lead (assuming your "closer" holds) that he has ju
  14. I would argue that it's more rare than you suggest that a closer enters a fresh ninth inning with a three run lead. Closers often do get four outs, although I imagine it's decidedly less common for them to get five or more. Just a little hyperbole (which I think you've employed a time or two).
  15. I don't know how I ended up late to the party. JAMBALAYA!
  16. I haven't watched in a while. How's Big Pussy doing?
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