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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. http://stores.musictoday.com/store/dept.as...1084&sfid=2
  2. So is Teahen actually gonna play all of this year? 70-18-69 in less than 400 AB is pretty damn encouraging, but only if he's going to start all season. I have him as a backup to Ryan Zimmerman (since Yahoo only rates him as a third baseman, even though he's now a left fielder). We'll see who gets out of the gate faster. I don't see him overtaking Manny, Andruw Jones or Torii Hunter any time soon, but it could happen.
  3. I'm a big fan of Bill Bryson, too, but I just started reading his stuff.
  4. We just got Stranger than Fiction from Netflix. Looking forward to it.
  5. I have Zumaya in one of my leagues, despite the fact that holds is not a stat category. I also have Joe Nathan, J.J. Putz, Tom Gordon and Francisco Cordero in that league. That's what happens when eight people autodraft and four people draft live, and only one of them is paying attention to pitching.
  6. I wonder how much that job pays, and if they're hiring.
  7. I know what you're saying, and believe me, when it happened I was kind of like, "well, this is interesting," but the more I think about it, the more I can't stop thinking about it, you know? It's getting to be something I just can't get out of my head, literally, and not in a good way. I'm sure I'll come to terms with it eventually, but we'll see. Maybe no matter how many servings I have (fresh or frozen), it's never going to click for me. And that's okay.
  8. Roasted red pepper sausage this time. Those are good too, but I could have done without burning the crap out of my tongue trying it last night.
  9. I didn't say I didn't like it, just that its production and engineering could have been executed better.
  10. I also used brown rice instead of white this time, and needed to cook it a bit longer, as it is a little al dente and failed to absorb all the liquid. I am on a neverending pursuit of perfection. For the number of photographs they used in that blog entry, they probably could have gotten away with two.
  11. Or, alternatively, there's nothing wrong with you, but you just don't like it.
  12. Funny, when I hear Jay Farrar's songs next to Jeff's on UT albums, it's not Jay's that I skip.
  13. I am making more jambalaya tonight, believe it or not. I've added one poblano.
  14. Jennifer Connelly? I'm flattered, I guess, although I have smaller boobs and a bigger penis than she does. She actually looked a lot (to my eyes, anyway) like a girl named Jennifer Donnelly who lived across the street from me, and upon whom I had a major crush, when that movie came out. I was going to ask her to accompany me to the end of week shindig at summer camp that year, but some other kid asked her first. David Bowie was not involved. I bet Jimmy Carter smells more like peanut hulls than the Bog.
  15. Followup question: How would you feel about Labyrinth if I told you that's not really David Bowie's hand twirling around the crystal globes? How do you like being tricked?
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