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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. People discuss hypothetical statements all the time. Just because you made a similar statement on another message board, which was misquoted in the opening post, doesn't mean the discussion of the new ("incorrect") statement is invalid. It's okay, man. Nobody thinks any less of you because this thread doesn't maintain the original intent of your post from somewhere else.
  2. Deer scian: I halfheartedly apologize for derailing your thread. I really, really don't feel that bad about it. Lukewarmly, bob evans
  3. I am listening to Jesus Christ Superstar right now.
  4. Jesus, you're a dickhead. This is from an argument I'm having on another thread, and I'm just curious to see what the thoughts might be from this place.
  5. Dust in the wind, man.
  6. That was my favorite movie for a while when I was a kid, You Ass.
  7. Do you think that was unintentional? It seems quite deliberate to me that the verses are extremely quiet, ony to be followed by the raucous guitar breakdowns. I don't see that as a failure of the digital format.
  8. How has it had eight seasons if the second "cycle" ended around December 2003?
  9. The word you're looking for is "worst," not "worse." It is a pretty stupid album title, but I'd probably give the title (ha) of "worst" to that eight page job by Fiona Apple. A gob iron is another word for a Jew's harp. It's also the name of the band, not the name of the album. The album is Death Songs for the Living.
  10. Hardy's Stamp of Australia makes a nice box wine. They're classy because they refer to the boxes as "casks." I think they're pretty much comparable to the $10 per 1.5L, but the wine stays fresher longer... Wouldn't that be "Imperial India Pale Ale"?
  11. Of course they are. The role, like it or not, is to close out games in which the team has a lead, not to prolong games that are tied. Not saying that's the best use of the position, but there it is.
  12. How has no one pointed out the fallacy that closers don't always enter the game with a three run lead?
  13. I don't see that as racist per se. The parents expected a child to be made from their own genetic material - i.e. the mother's eggs and the father's sperm. The fact that the child has darker skin than either parent serves as a visual reminder that the doctors made a mistake. They don't hate the child because it is part black, but they are clearly (and understandably) disappointed that what they were promised - a union of both parents' dna - is not what they received. While their statement can clearly benefit from some massaging of the language, I don't think they are exposing themselves as whi
  14. I don't understand your logic. If you're neither being critical nor suggesting new music, why did you post? edit: sorry, Amaranthine. I just got a Colin Hay CD that I like quite a bit. Not too heavy. And Littlebear, your post just rubbed me the wrong way. "I can't recommend anything with your logic" seemed a bit insulting to me. If it's a language barrier issue, I apologize.
  15. "fewer," douchebag. You're right. So sorry.
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