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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. What do you think of Labyrinth?
  2. I wouldn't call A.M. amazing, but it's a good album.
  3. That's what "Late Greats" seemed to be about?
  4. It's supposed to be an animated gif of the truffle shuffle.
  5. I forgot to look last night. Does this show up for anyone?
  6. Nice glass. Is the Kells any good? I'm about 50/50 on the Rogue stuff...
  7. It's a mashup of "Blues for Allah" (sing it with me: "under e-ter-ni-ty blue") and "West L.A. Fadeaway".
  8. Fair enough. edit: however, it's not uncommon for lyrics to evolve from one day to the next. It kinda sounds like it could be either one to me, but it also reminds me of the theme music to one of the daytime soaps (Days of Our Lives maybe?) so what do I know?
  9. I don't think bemydemon is any more official than our own conjecture here...
  10. I have no idea if this works (firewall), but here goes:
  11. Weezer's okay, and I don't really care about Kiss either way, but I'd be willing to bet Rivers Cuomo doesn't give a fuck what you think about him.
  12. Woonsocket is a city in Rhode Island.
  13. Well, I don't really go to Wilco concerts much in general.
  14. I don't like Shake It Off much either, but I also don't go to Wilco concerts to dance.
  15. And now I've lost my first round of 8 team.
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