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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Oh, absolutely. I'm making light of it, but at the same time I'm not.
  2. I would probably take one of the shirts that I just folded and put it on, but that's just me.
  3. Anyone know when his liver's birthday is?
  4. She was great in Blazing Saddles.
  5. Great. You have a point, and I have a point. I choose to agree with my own point and disregard yours. You choose to agree with your point and disregard mine. It's ultimately immaterial, since Jay Farrar is still recording as Son Volt and Jeff Tweedy is still recording as Wilco. I'm a big fan of Jay Bennett, but I don't think he has any claim to the Wilco name any more than I think Glenn or Nels do, despite the fact that they clearly have an impact on Wilco's sound. Wilco = Jeff for better or worse. If you don't think he should be allowed to use the name, you probably ought to send him a strong
  6. Neither Jay is that much of a dick.
  7. How the hell would you quantify that?
  8. It's okay, sport. We all make mistakes.
  9. That makes it "incidental" or "coincidental," not "ironic."
  10. Ha ha ha. I have UVA picked to win the whole thing, not that I think they will. The two games I watched this season, both decisive wins over good teams, lead me to believe that they can beat anybody, provided they show up. Which they have not proven they can do consistently (cf. their last two games). I would be hard pressed to find something I care less about than Dave Leito's job prospects. Unless, of course, he leads the Cavs to a championship. How does taking a better offer make you a bitch, though?
  11. Jay Bennett is not a founding member of Wilco, and has no right to the name. Wilco is, and always has been, Jeff's band, no matter how much he and Jay collaborated.
  12. Believe me, as a Virginia fan, I've had my share of disappointment due to bubble teams having to settle for the NIT (or just plain going home), so I speak from experience. It sucks, but there's nothing to do about it but hope the team wins another couple of games next year. Crying about it just makes you look like a bitch.
  13. Michael Ventre is trying to make a case at msnbc.com that the NCAA needs to add more teams to the field for the tournament, and the only reason they don't is that 64 (or 65) is an artificial number designed to leave some "decent" teams to draw ratings for the NIT. Apparently, adding a few additional slots "wouldn
  14. Really? Last I checked there was more than one person from the original Wilco lineup still in the band. With SV, it's just Jay. edit: aaaaand the Maker beat me to it.
  15. Gomen nasai. Wakarimasen.
  16. That fish is only acting like it can read. Nobody said fish can't act. Or that I can't type "fish" without typing "fist" first. What the hell does that even mean?
  17. You killed Harry Potter, asshole.
  18. Nope. I definitely prefer Moondance.
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