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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. They showed up toward the end of last season - Paolo and Nikki. Window dressing at this point. Dunno if they're actually going to do anything but stand around and look like models.
  2. Apparently, that's somehow Jay Bennett's fault. I agree, though, that the arrangement has matured over the years, which is to be expected, since Jeff's been constantly evolving and becoming more comfortable in the creative process. Nothing unusual about that, and no need to blame Jay for Wilco's perceived engineering shortcomings of the past. Again, that Jeff decided he wanted his music to sound different (not discounting the fact, of course, that much of the music was at least partially Jay's) is a personal choice by Jeff and not an indictment of Jay Bennett. I'm sorry that you don't e
  3. Sounds like you're a couple days behind. Our new eps air on Wednesday nights, so we'll be getting the next one tomorrow.
  4. I have no idea what you mean by this or what it means for the band to be more "relevant." Care to elaborate? I think Nels is a terrifically talented guitarist, and I think Jay Bennett is a wonderful musician as well. Nobody's ever going to confuse one for the other, and Nels may very well have the edge in technical virtuosity, but I haven't heard half the emotion in his playing that I got from Jay. It's undeniable (IMO, of course) that Jay Bennett was absolutely vital to the evolution and development of Wilco after its formation. Sure, maybe his and Jeff's (and the rest of the band's) relati
  5. I have never played D&D in my life, although I do enjoy eating Miracle Whip straight from the jar.
  6. Good thing everyone in Wilco got their start modeling for A&F. I could eat that Mikael up with a spoon.
  7. I disagree with everything you said up there, with the exception of "and that isn't necessarily because of Nels." Add that to the things on which you and I disagree.
  8. Somewhat more favorable feelings toward the album after listening to it in the car some. I really like "Side with the Seeds". "Shake it Off" still sounds like something the Dead didn't make - kind of a "Blues for Allah/Sand Castles & Glass Camels" sliding into and out of "West L.A. Fadeaway", and the guitar interludes in "You are My Face" are reminiscent of something off Terrapin. Anyone else hearing this? mountain bed? Anyone?
  9. I'm surprised no one's made a bigger deal about Jim Kelly being at your party.
  10. Another Ben, and I used to live in Charlottesville, so I have you trumped, Nonlinear. Plus, I was in attendance at the game that ended Cal Ripken's consecutive games streak. Welcome to the board.
  11. Because not everyone agrees with you.
  12. I imagine they mean that by settling, the person who is caught frees him- or herself from future (and presumably much more aggressive) litigation.
  13. Brad Rice is touring with Keith Urban's band. Is Chris Frame also? I kind of agree on the band dynamic. He ought to just call it the Jay Farrar Band or Grandpa Floorboard or Brother Canada or Nephew Cultivator or whatever.
  14. Yeah, I specifically didn't like the way he played some of the older songs. I don't have any problem with the evolution of songs, and there were some songs I liked his interpretation of - so it's not that he changed, but how he changed (and performed) certain songs that bugged me. I had some notes on the performance, in case I decided I cared enough to start a thread about the DVD, but they are at home and I think I tossed them this weekend anyway (guess I didn't care that much ). And to be fair, I'm pretty sure I haven't heard a single other performance by him, so it absolutely could just be
  15. Ah, that makes sense. I forgot that Brad was there before he was, and left to do his other thing.
  16. Funny you should mention Chris Frame. I recently got the 6-String Belief DVD, and was pretty put off by his playing on a lot of the older stuff. Was his initial departure from the band his or Jay's idea? Maybe Jay didn't want him back...
  17. Okay. You've followed me over into another thread to continue something which was finished yesterday. We don't need to have this discussion in two separate threads in which people genuinely want to discuss the new album. It's distracting and unnecessary. If you have something more to say to me, send me a PM.
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