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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Damn, that would be awesome.
  2. I Can't Stand up for Falling Down - Elvis Costello One Single River - Bob Dylan & the Band Lay Down the Leaves - Matt Smith Unfaithful Servant - the Band In God's Country - U2 She's Crafty - Beastie Boys Drive My Car - the Beatles Bryte Side - the Pernice Brothers What's the New Mary Jane (Acoustic) - the Beatles P2 Vatican Blues (Last Saturday Night) - George Harrison While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Acoustic) - the Beatles Since I Lost My Tooth - Daniel Johnston Box Full of Letters - Wilco Supergroovalisticprosifunkstication - Parliament Nothing Was Delivered (Version #2) - Bob Dylan &a
  3. Do you still have a copy of the album? edit: I'm not asking for a ysi or anything, just curious.
  4. Despite the fact that I've been pretty happy with much of everything Jeff Tweedy's had his hands in, I'm going to withhold judgment until I actually hear the album.
  5. 12 teams at 90 seconds per, should give ample time for colon evacuation, especially if you're near one of the ends. The chat room should be lively though, so you may may want to go with the bucket. You don't have to tell the rest of us. No that's right. Keep trying.
  6. Fig Newtons drizzled with prune-infused olive oil.
  7. I've posted about this over in the "Umm..." forum, but I have set up a VC fantasy baseball league, and we're looking for five more players to fill it out. Standard roto 5X5 scoring, live draft March 13 at 8:00 p.m. EST. If you're interested, PM me for details.
  8. The deal is, she said it would be "against her people" and "forbidden," and he insisted on it anyway, so he got his ass beat.
  9. Exactly. Rolling Stone and Spin and [name your "reputable" music news magazine here] reported on Wendy O. Williams's (semi-)nude performances, and when Courtney Love took her tits out during a concert, and when Shirley Manson (if I recall correctly) flashed some beav on stage. I don't see the difference here, other than the fact that Pitchfork actually showed his hog. I can't imagine that Kevin Barnes has any reasonable expectation of privacy here, or even that he would want the photos not shown. It's not as if he whipped it out in the corner for the benefit of a select few. He knew what he wa
  10. Because you only masturbated half the day?
  11. There it is! I'll check it out from home later.
  12. Yes, a non-state commercial entity has alerted the universities to the fact that their students are using capabilities provided to them by the university to steal from the commercial entity. The students, not the RIAA, have put the university in a difficult situation. Don't blame the RIAA for looking after its own interests, or the university for doing the same. If I'm using university equipment to do something that may get the university sued, you're going to fault the university for doing what it can to make me stop?
  13. We've got the two-at-once plan, and I don't see the "Watch now" tab. Sounds like a pretty cool idea, though - maybe they're just rolling out out to the bigger plans to start out and will open it up to the rest of us later on. I'm looking forward to it.
  14. I didn't see that - is it on a specific movie, or just on your home page? What's your level of service?
  15. Why is it ridiculous to suspend college students for using university infrastructure to break the law?
  16. I'm speaking of the RIAA as a proxy for its members.
  17. Fair enough, and I do my share of downloading (allegedly), but it's not like the cut the RIAA takes from cd sales is pure profit. There is an ungodly amount of overhead involved, and remember they are taking their cut from the wholesale price of the cd (or iTunes or whatever), not the retail price. Obviously, there are huge sums of money involved here - and of course the RIAA would keep more of their profit if they trimmed their litigation budget - but it's not as if $10 of every cd sold goes right to Tommy Mottola's diamond-encrusted money clip (it has to go to his bank first).
  18. No doubt the RIAA makes a lot of money, and surely much of that is at the expense of the artists, but if no one buys music, who's going to produce the artists' albums?
  19. Somebody please get ahold of Ron Cey. I'm sure he's got some great neighborhood advice.
  20. I think their point is, it doesn't matter what the price is if everybody is stealing the music. They don't make any money that way.
  21. Jesus, didn't she used to eat?
  22. Can anyone tell me the date on which he was fitted for his braces? Not the date he got them put on, but the date he was fitted. I need it for my scrapbook.
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