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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Please show me where I said I hated the album. The "f words" were directed at you, not at Wilco. Again, I am glad that you like the album, and that "everyone [you] know seems to love it just as much as [you] do." Not sure what that has to do with me, but I am happy for all of you. Why are you so threatened that somebody doesn't seem to like the new Wilco album as much as you do?
  2. I'll Allow It re: the album Need More Time
  3. While I can get behind you on this... ...and this seems a little hyperbolic, I'm not much of a fan of Nels as a studio guitarist for Wilco. There's no doubt the man's an extremely talented guitarist, but I don't think he's ever going to be my favorite.
  4. I would guess Peanut Country®, Georgia.
  5. We watched The Departed tonight. Pretty good movie, and everyone will be happy to note that I thought Leonardo DiCaprio's performance was excellent.
  6. I'm pretty sure he was talking about a different part of the record. I don't think he meant that every second of every song evokes Seals & Croft, Loggins & Messina, the Doobies, Yes and Foreigner all at once. I could be wrong, though.
  7. Seriously, dude, fuck you.
  8. Ha. I'm done with the shenanigans. I'm sincerely happy for you that you love the album, and that it moves you. It doesn't move me much at this point, and may not ever. AND THAT'S OKAY. I like you.
  9. Yeah, that's some dude having a blast at a Twisted Sister concert. What's your point? How old are you?
  10. "Abandon all dissenting opinion, all ye who enter here"
  11. Once again, you ignore what I said. You said: I can't see how any Tweedy-head (whatever that is) doesn't love this album. I said: The way that is possible is if someone listens to the music and comes to the (entirely valid) conclusion that he does not like the music. You ignored my point and said: "There is plenty of love on this record, but cynical ears will most likely refuse to hear it," implying that one is not being honest (i.e., looking to find fault) if one doesn't hear the record as you hear it. I called you on it and said a bad word. Why is there something wrong with me if I don't
  12. See, what you're doing there is you're saying that if you don't like the record, there's something wrong with you. Fuck you.
  13. Jeff Tweedy ate my dog.
  14. Because you don't like it just because Jeff Tweedy had a hand in making it? Because you like the music for its merits, not its pedigree?
  15. I was less than impressed, but it's an okay album. Shake it Off (the first half anyway) sounds like something that didn't make the cut for Blues for Allah.
  16. I am the smartest and most observant being in the universe.
  17. I'm not sure they send you to rehab for calling someone "effeminate."
  18. Yeah, you've pretty much described Louie there. It's uncanny.
  19. Handle = 1.75L of liquor. Presumably because many half gallon liquor bottles have handles.
  20. It's very difficult to misspell kebab. I haven't listened to any of the new songs - aside from that live video of the song that didn't make the album. That first review was pretty funny, though.
  21. I know people who refer to Pennsylvania as "Pennsyltucky"; i.e. Pennsylvania + Kentucky, implying that Pennsylvania is kind of a backwater. I know next to nothing about Chicago neighborhoods, so I have no idea if this is applicable or not.
  22. I'm quite the fan of Max Johnston's mando solo in "Steal the Crumbs" (10-15-93)
  23. For the record, I think Okemah was Son Volt's worst record, but it's still got some really good stuff on it. The new album has some of the same elements of Okemah (the dreaded whine), but includes some stuff (horns?) that I wouldn't expect to hear on a Son Volt album. Lots more piano than any Son Volt stuff ever had, but I guess that's to be expected, as they have added a keyboard player. I still need some more time on this one, I think.
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