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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. How do you sleep at night?
  2. How do you sleep at night?
  3. vs. Now, I couldn't care less how much he eats or how much he weighs, but he sure doesn't look exactly the same as he always has.
  4. Damn straight. I read that story this morning, and that's all I could think about. Find me a better example of someone who had the world at his feet and pissed it all away...
  5. Your "schedule" of when it's "appropriate" to have "holiday" "avatars" means "nothing" to me, "man."
  6. Lamb Saag (medium) Saag Paneer (mild) Nan Palak Nan
  7. Are you calling me French?
  8. The details of this story lead me to doubt its veracity.
  9. You just lost whatever little credence you had with me.
  10. "Fat people do worse in the heat than skinny people."
  11. From today's Providence Journal, which clearly pulled the same stats as Lammycat's article: So I guess that's still a "maybe," but leaning towards "yes." link
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