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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. That would be comparable if they Colts didn't have to win in the first round of the playoffs in order to get to the Superbowl.
  2. Before you get too excited, be sure to note whom (and specifically which offensive line) they mowed down last night.
  3. I love it that I can see the title of a thread and instantly know who is the author.
  4. Besides, who says Tiger didn't have any sisters on the side? He just didn't bang any black women who have talked yet.
  5. We just got home from meeting Collin in DC (Tyson's Corner, actually).
  6. What, you think the Son of God can't gestate in two and a half weeks?
  7. Navy is 8-4. They have lost to Ohio State (by 4), Pitt, Temple and Hawaii (must have been tired from the flight), and have the #3 rushing attack in Division I. They're pretty good this year. Army is shit.
  8. American Samoa Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas, The Barbados Belgium Belize Bosnia and Herzogovina Brazil Canada (Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island) Chile Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Guam Hungary Israel Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemborg Mexico Monaco Morrocco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Poland Portugal Russia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vatican City Virgin Islands I have been to Slov
  9. I'm not sure I've listened to 100 new albums this decade, but I'm sure if I listened to enough of them, I'd like at least 100 better than either A Ghost is Born or Sky Blue Sky.
  10. Yeah, she was raised by her mother, whose last name is Jones. The cover is fine, and there's already a thread dedicated to it.
  11. No. Your argument is baseless. You're ignorant. edit: I'm going to leave this here, but I'm going to take the coward's way out and state unequivocally that I'm kidding.
  12. Chelsea Clinton's fiancé works for Goldman Sachs. I GUESS WE ALL KNOW WHAT "TOO BIG TO FAIL" REALLY MEANS NOW, HUH???
  13. Bobbo- Just remember what I told you. -Caliber
  14. It seems to me that the "can't play the bass fast enough" argument is really just a more polite way of saying "thanks, but no thanks." If Jeff was interested in learning to play the songs again on bass, he'd have no problem doing it.
  15. He played some of both after Stirrat started playing. I take it you haven't seen the video of their last show?
  16. I'm just glad they know who I am. Did they say whether or not they got my letters?
  17. Man, I probably couldn't disagree more with this post. Maybe the first two albums are somewhat interchangeable, but March is all traditional-like and acoustic and live and stuff, and Anodyne is just in another class altogether. Jeff's songs are completely different on the second two albums than on the first two.
  18. I'd honestly rather see Mike and the Boquist brothers back in Son Volt than a UT reunion.
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