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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Your intent is to offend. If you believe otherwise, you are lying to yourself.
  2. I believe he would be better fixed to recognize JUDE's sarcasm.
  3. Do you honestly believe that agents of the United States did not engage in torture between the implementation of the Geneva Conventions and the installment of the present administration?
  4. What would have happened if Kerry had won the election with regard to Iraq?
  5. So is it conjecture or not? You can obviously form you own opinion of what outcomes different policy decisions might have brought about, but there is no way of knowing what would have happened, or even if "your" candidate would have acted as you would have expected him to.
  6. And yet, you still don't know what would have happened had Kerry been able to implement his plan, or even if he would have been able to do so at all. It is entirely conjecture. That is a significant difference in tone from "how can you look yourself in the mirror." I did not vote for Bush in either election but had I done so, and come to my decision honestly, I would have a clear conscience today.
  7. Ah, but in this case, it is misleading to suggest that hindsight is 20/20. You know how things turned out with Bush. You have no idea how things would have turned out with Kerry or Gore.
  8. Are those truly the only ways of dealing personally with such a decision? How about honestly believing that things would have gone worse with the other guy(s)?
  9. I didn't really ask you that. I was quoting Cousin Tupelo. Ask him.
  10. Who's canonizing George Carlin? He was a funny guy, and he died. People have been discussing his life. Is there something wrong with that?
  11. I'm not sure I've seen anyone brag about having voted for Bush, just those responding to others condemning them for it.
  12. Actually, yes, the Billy Preston songs were great, but the Janis Ian ones were pretty painful. The female comedian was awful.
  13. Yeah, the best part was when Don Pardo referred to the cast as the "Not For Ready Prime Time Players".
  14. Very sorry for your loss, Mandy, and I'm not gonna tell you not to post your friend's guitar here. Just thought you should know that Ken Coomer is not an original member of Uncle Tupelo.
  15. How are you planning to make it up to Radiohead for dissing them?
  16. Yeah, it was definitely played up as something new and exotic, and the tribe doesn't seem to have been photographed before, but it wasn't exactly unknown...
  17. I don't see a contradiction. The tribe is described as "uncontacted" in both stories.
  18. I should have said "it is the school's responsibility to provide health education," and if what you have experienced is the case here, then yes, the school has failed in its responsibility to the students.
  19. I don't tend to put so much thought and energy into listening to music. If I like it, then I do, and if I don't, then I don't. I don't believe that you have, or anyone else has, a better idea of what I like or why I like it than I do.
  20. I don't understand this. Care to elaborate?
  21. Can't it just be about what people like and what people don't? Why does there have to be a reason? Seems pretty simple to me.
  22. CVS is headquartered in Cranston, Rhode Island, about an hour away by car. I bet they have some stores in Gloucester, too. Last time I checked, CVS has a rather large selection of condoms available for purchase, and as far as I know, sale of condoms is not age-restricted. They have access to as many condoms as they want/need. Kids are gonna ride bikes and rollerblade and skateboard and participate in all sorts of semi-hazardous activities, with or without their parents' permission. It is not anyone's responsibility to provide safety equipment to kids gratis or without the knowledge and conse
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