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What portion of your musical collection features rap?

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Dude, why wouldn't you go up and say hi?!


Because I was too shy. I didnt want to bother him and I had no idea what to say. I didnt want to look like or sound like some loser fanboy. But he had no posse with him. He was by himself. I snuck a pic with my cellphone. But I didnt want to get busted so i only got a shot from behind. Here is the pic, but its hard to tell it was him... I cant figure out how to make the pic bigger.




We made eye contact though. He knew that I was a fan. I suppose that was good enough at the time. But now, yeah, I regret not saying something.

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You could probably have gotten away with A salaam alaikum (sp?).

He'd have been obliged to reply. :)


Trust me -- my head was spinning trying to come up with a good line. That was one of them, but then I thought that he would just roll his eyes and laugh at me if I did that. I was either going to drop the El Segundo line or tell him to wipe his feet really good on the rhythm rug. But then I just chickened out.

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I know I wouldn't have ended up saying anything either. :cheers


I might have just gone up and said something like: 'hate to bug you, but i'm a huge fan of your work and just wanted to take the opportunity to tell you...so, props and thanks for all the good shit.' Most famous folks I have had the nerve to approach are usually cool w/ that. That said, it is always tough to get the gumption up to approach them to actually say it.


Either way, that's way cool Matt.

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No idea where to put this so I guess its going here.


No joke -- I ran into Q-Tip in the Energy Kitchen on 17th street bet 8th and 9th Ave in NYC yesterday. He and I were the only two guys in the place. I thought it looked like him and then he whipped out his cell phone and started talking on it. Bam! Q-TIp talking on his cell phone 3 feet away from me.


I was thinking of dropping a line to the guy behind the checkout counter -- like not having money to pay and saying that I left my wallet in El Segundo, but then I figured that would be so lame. So I didnt say anything. I made eye contact with Q-Tip and I smiled at him. I think he knew I knew who he was.


That's probably my best celebrity sighting in NYC so far. Although I did see Mike Myers once and Pat Riley some other time. Simon Russell Beale too. Considering that Q-Tip was my idol from 1990 - 1993, I have to think that's my best sighting yet.


Rock and roll to the beat of the funk fuzz...





On a related note, I ran into OG Pat Hughes, reigning MC of all Cubs radio broadcasts on WGN, Saturday before the game. I gave him a pound, told him I enjoyed his flow and he told me to "stay up, young blood."


Pat Hughes and Ron Santo are the Chuck D and Flavor Flav of sports broadcasting.

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  • 6 years later...

I bumped this ancient thread because thanks to my son, I now have three Rap CDs in my collection.

Guess which ones.

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Did I mention I own a few PE LPs. I own a few odd CDs incluidng Arrested Development and Eminem. Someone can take them off my hands any time.


I did see PE a few years ago at Pitchfork, that was kinda fun.



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Did I mention I own a few PE LPs. I own a few odd CDs incluidng Arrested Development and Eminem. Someone can take them off my hands any time.


I did see PE a few years ago at Pitchfork, that was kinda fun.



"Them" all of them or "them the CDs? I would be happy to take the PE LPs off your hands any time. I've given up on aquiring/collecting CDs.

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"Them" all of them or "them the CDs? I would be happy to take the PE LPs off your hands any time. I've given up on aquiring/collecting CDs.

Not offering the PE LPs. Those I like and plan to keep. Sorry. I have the first 4 I believe.



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Blondie - Rapture


Well if this counts so does:


The Clash - The Magnificent 7

Faith no more - Epic

Rage against the machine


I guess I have a bunch more than I would have thought.


I do have a few Roots CD's too.

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