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Sunrise in my backyard this morning

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Saturday September 23rd 10am-5pm


Join Grayhaven and Grindstaff Auctions for a day of wine & antiques in the beautiful Virginia countryside. Place your bid on antiques (from tools to jewels) collectibles, art work, primitives, fine furniture & more! Never been to an auction before? No problem- Our 5 minute Auction Crash Course will have you bidding like a pro (several sessions held throughout the day.) Grayhaven will be serving up our finest including new fall releases of Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc & Pinotage. Bring a picnic and relax on the lawn. Wine available by the glass or bottle, food (baguettes & goat cheese,) snacks and sodas available. *Free event, $4 for wine tasting - includes souvenir glass. Info: (804) 556-3917 & Email. For more info on the auction items contact Grindstaff's.


That one looks like fun, and it's tomorrow.


Unfortunately, I've never had any of their wines, and probably haven't seen the Peples since 1988 or so. They used to have a giant Great Dane named Bacchus.

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  M. Christine said:

Short fuckin' fall in Kansas City, huh?

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  M. Christine said:
Why do you think I'm travelling to the Hudson Valley for my autumn vacation? There's a rumor going around that you all have magnificent Indian Summers. :)

By state law, they are referred to Native American Summers now. And we do usually get a good one. Since this has been a cool summer, though, I wonder if we will this year. I am already starting to compile my long underwear.

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  froggie said:
excuse the ignorance from someone who hasnt seen snow fall since 1986 (and that was barely enough to cover the ground), but how low would the temperature be to get a cover like that?

Probably not as low as you might think. In my experience, warmer temperatures mean wetter snow that packs together better and piles up more. Colder temperatures can mean lighter snow that blows around a lot and doesn't necessarily cling to tree branches quite so well.


I'm certainly no expert, but to this veteran of nearly forty winters, that scene looks like it could have happened at just a few degrees below freezing.

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  froggie said:
ah ok... we only get as low at -2'C on a clear winter night here.

I think that snow occurred at about 20 degrees F (-7 C).


But cryptique is right, many deep snows occur near the freezing mark.


  bjorn_skurj said:
By state law, they are referred to Native American Summers now. And we do usually get a good one. Since this has been a cool summer, though, I wonder if we will this year. I am already starting to compile my long underwear.



I like silk myself.

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  bjorn_skurj said:
By state law, they are referred to Native American Summers now.



It's sad how far PC has gone in applying inappropriate names to things or people. If "Indian" is offensive to someone, "Native American" is likely to be just as offensive, if not more so.

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There's a burg up the road they call Big Indian, and I keep waiting for a movement to change it to "Large Native American." And a recent school board election in the school district that is half-Woodstock (yes, the Woodstock) and half-woodchuck turned on whether the school's sports teams should be allowed to continue to be called the "Indians."

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  mrkinsley said:
How about "Big-Boned Casino Owner?"


By the way, is this the new RTT? I say pin it.

Too sensitive. Some Oneidas are thinking about building a casino on the site of the Woodstock '99 fest in Saugerties. [extreme understatement]There is a great deal of opposition in the community.[/extreme understatement]

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  bjorn_skurj said:
Too sensitive. Some Oneidas are thinking about building a casino on the site of the Woodstock '99 fest in Saugerties. [extreme understatement]There is a great deal of opposition in the community.[/extreme understatement]


Why? Is the Woodstock '99 site a national cultural heritage monument or something? I thought it was just where a bunch of hippies and college kids got together and rolled around in the mud for a couple days and took drugs.

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  caliber66 said:
Why? Is the Woodstock '99 site a national cultural heritage monument or something? I thought it was just where a bunch of hippies and college kids got together and rolled around in the mud for a couple days and took drugs.


Don't forget the sexual assaults, arson, and awful music.

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