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Heard yesterday afternoon on "All things considered".


Paul Weyrich: Here is the real problem. It has been known for many years that Congressman Foley was a homosexual. Homosexuals tend to be pre-occupied with sex. The idea that he should be continued... or should have been continued... as chairman of a committee on missing and exploited children is, you know, given their knowledge of that, is just outrageous.



It continues:

Interviewer: Now before we go, I think I can say Mr. Weyrich that there are quite a few people who would take exception to the statement that homosexuals are preoccupied with sex.


Weyrich: Well I don't care whether they take exception to it. It happens to be true. I mean uhhh...


Interviewer: That is your opinion...


Weyrich: Well, it's not my opinion. It's the opinion of many psychologists and psychiatrists who have to deal with them.



Link to the story On NPR



Mr. Weyrich is a right wing conservative activist and, full disclosure here, I have serious "issues" with the conservative right. This has to be one of the most ignorant displays of bigotry I've heard displayed in the mainstream media in awhile. I found his remarks offensive and was literally shocked by them.

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Yeah. It's not that homosexuals are preoccupied with sex. It's everyone is is preoccupied with sex (as if that guy isn't??).


Unsure about America's preoccupation with sex? Pick up any magazine. Or go on the Internet. Or watch any TV show after 8PM.


It seems like he equates homosexuals with pedophiles, as well.

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He's an wacko absolutely, I just didn't want to initially come out and say it.

It's my hope that through greater exposure to the public of the ideology that permeates these networks of Republican base activist groups, undecideds will look to vote anywhere other than with the GOP in November.

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I found the following on heathline, and the "symptoms" section is quite freaking scary. I'm not questioning that what Foley did was flat out sick, and an abuse of power, and I'm not getting into the politicization of the matter, but I still question whether (male or female) an affair or flirtation with a 21st century high school kid should really be lumped in the same category as "pedophilia." Reading some of the material below though, about the psychological profile of a true pedophile, makes me kind of think twice about it. Opinions?


(P.S. if this Weyrich person isn't the textbook definition of a bigoted homophobe, then I'm not sure I've ever seen one)






Pedophilia is a paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children. A paraphilia is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies generally involving: nonhuman objects; the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner (not merely simulated); or animals, children, or other nonconsenting persons. Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification. It may be directed toward children of the same sex or children of the other sex. Some pedophiles are attracted to both boys and girls. Some are attracted only to children, while others are attracted to adults as well as to children.


Pedophilia is defined by mental health professionals as a mental disorder, but the American legal system defines acting on a pedophilic urge as a criminal act.




The focus of pedophilia is sexual activity with a child. Many courts interpret this reference to age to mean children under the age of 18. Most mental health professionals, however, confine the definition of pedophilia to sexual activity with prepubescent children, who are generally age 13 or younger. The term ephebophilia, derived from the Greek word for "youth," is sometimes used to describe sexual interest in young people in the first stages of puberty.


The sexual behaviors involved in pedophilia cover a range of activities and may or may not involve the use of force. Some pedophiles limit their behaviors to exposing themselves or masturbating in front of the child, or fondling or undressing the child, but without genital contact. Others, however, compel the child to participate in oral sex or full genital intercourse.


The most common overt aspect of pedophilia is an intense interest in children. There is no typical pedophile. Pedophiles may be young or old, male or female, although the great majority are males. Unfortunately, some pedophiles are professionals who are entrusted with educating or maintaining the health and well-being of young persons, while others are entrusted with children to whom they are related by blood or marriage.


Causes and symptoms




A variety of different theories exist as to the causes of pedophilia. A few researchers attribute pedophilia along with the other paraphiliasto biology. They hold that testosterone, one of the male sex hormones, predisposes men to develop deviant sexual behaviors. As far as genetic factors are concerned, as of 2002 no researchers have claimed to have discovered or mapped a gene for pedophilia.


Most experts regard pedophilia as resulting from psychosocial factors rather than biological characteristics. Some think that pedophilia is the result of having been sexually abused as a child. Still others think that it derives from the person's interactions with parents during their early years of life. Some researchers attribute pedophilia to arrested emotional development; that is, the pedophile is attracted to children because he or she has never matured psychologically. Some regard pedophilia as the result of a distorted need to dominate a sexual partner. Since children are smaller and usually weaker than adults, they may be regarded as nonthreatening potential partners. This drive for domination is sometimes thought to explain why most pedophiles are males.




A pedophile is often very attractive to the children who are potential victims. Potential pedophiles may volunteer their services to athletic teams, Scout troops, or religious or civic organizations that serve youth. In some cases, pedophiles who are attracted to children within their extended family may offer to baby-sit for their relatives. They often have good interpersonal skills with children and can easily gain the children's trust.


Some pedophiles offer rationalizations or excuses that enable them to avoid assuming responsibility for their actions. They may blame the children for being too attractive or sexually provocative. They may also maintain that they are "teaching" the child about "the facts of life" or "love"; this rationalization is frequently offered by pedophiles who have molested children related to them. All these rationalizations may be found in pornography with pedophilic themes.




Pedophilia is one of the more common paraphilias; the large worldwide market for child pornography suggests that it is more frequent in the general population than prison statistics would indicate. Together with voyeurismand exhibitionism, pedophilia is one of the three paraphilias most commonly leading to arrest by the police.


The onset of pedophilia usually occurs during adolescence. Occasional pedophiles begin their activities during middle age but this late onset is uncommon. In the United States, about 50% of men arrested for pedophilia are married.


The frequency of behavior associated with pedophilia varies with psychosocial stress. As the pedophile's stress levels increase, the frequency of his or her acting out generally rises also.


Pedophilia is more common among males than among females. In addition, the rate of recidivism for persons with a pedophilic preference for males is approximately twice that of pedophiles who prefer females.


Little is known about the incidence of pedophilia in different racial or ethnic groups.




According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,fourth edition text revised, the following criteria must be met to establish a diagnosisof pedophilia.


* Over a period of at least six months, the affected person experiences recurrent, intense and sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or actual behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children aged 13 or younger.

* The fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of daily functioning.

* The affected person must be at least age sixteen and be at least five years older than the child or children who are the objects or targets of attention or sexual activity.


A diagnosis of pedophilia cannot be assigned to an individual in late adolescence (age 17 to 19) who is involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old person.


In establishing a diagnosis of pedophilia, it is important for a mental health professional to determine if the patient is attracted to males, females or both.

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Figure, though, at the very least, Foley- a public servant- was trying to take advantage of a young person. The fact that others turned a blind eye is a slap in the face to adults and for minors who are sexually harassed.


Foley should go. Anyone who knew about it should go (Democrat or Republican), etc.




And pedophilia obviously is very complicated. And I think it's very possible for an adult to lust after a 16-year-old in this society.


People who act on these urges, though, are punished in our society (regular, non-privileged, non-gov't folks are often crucified)!


Figure, if you want to be an actor, musician, model, newscaster(!) etc., (and I'm speaking mostly about female models) it's best if you look as close to being teenage as possible- adolescent skinny legs, perky breasts, etc., things that fade with a few years of age.


I think the main thing here, though, is not necessarily that Foley is going after little kids, per se, and not only that he's violating law, but also that being 16 nonetheless is an age in which- I think we'd all agree- people are still unsound in judgment and ability to give consent. (Otherwise, why not just condone 16-year old sex?)


Like I said before, I think that I had terrible judgment when I was sixteen, certainly when I was 18, and probably until I was 20??!

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As in, I mean, porn will still be legal (to preserve free speech) but nobody will want to look at it! And therefore they will have clean minds and not hit on youthful page boys.


Who's with me?

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As in, I mean, porn will still be legal (to preserve free speech) but nobody will want to look at it! And therefore they will have clean minds and not hit on youthful page boys.


Who's with me?

Um, I'll be 50 this year. Not that porn has ever really interested me, but your insinuation is that past 50 sex would not be interesting to me is pretty weird.

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Well, I meant more that the subjects of the porn would be more realistic people...ideally...but of course, I was joking as well.


Happy birthday in advance.



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I'm not sure what a "clean mind" is. :lol I'm assuming that after the kids are gone (over 50) that sex will be even better!

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As in, I mean, porn will still be legal (to preserve free speech) but nobody will want to look at it! And therefore they will have clean minds and not hit on youthful page boys.


Who's with me?



you will have single-handedly killed the internet.

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Heard yesterday afternoon on "All things considered".


Paul Weyrich: Here is the real problem. It has been known for many years that Congressman Foley was a homosexual. Homosexuals tend to be pre-occupied with sex. The idea that he should be continued... or should have been continued... as chairman of a committee on missing and exploited children is, you know, given their knowledge of that, is just outrageous.

It continues:

Interviewer: Now before we go, I think I can say Mr. Weyrich that there are quite a few people who would take exception to the statement that homosexuals are preoccupied with sex.


Weyrich: Well I don't care whether they take exception to it. It happens to be true. I mean uhhh...


Interviewer: That is your opinion...


Weyrich: Well, it's not my opinion. It's the opinion of many psychologists and psychiatrists who have to deal with them.



I am surprised he did also say that gay dudes prey on children.

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I am surprised he did also say that gay dudes prey on children.



with a circuitous logic, that's what he did say.


I agree that sex with older teens is not pedophilia. Pedophilia is a fetish-type behavior, a fixation. Older teens are sexually, if not emotionally, mature. There are very few innocent teens at this point in time, and they have been trained since tots about 'stranger danger'. If a 16yo finds him or herself in a sexually suggestive situation, they have the choice to nip it in the bud -- or not. We're not talking about assault here, even if Foley HAD met with him -- it takes two to tango. Humans have been mating for eons as soon as they reach sexual maturity -- and loving it -- who the fuck are we kidding? You can get married at 16 but you shouldn't have sex? :rolleyes


The disconnect between the outrage over this fairly tame incident and the pervasiveness of sex (esp. given the internet, a gift from the pornography gods) just points up the ridiculousness of the whole conservative "moral" "majority". The Republicans are "outraged" by the unspeakable horror of this act -- but not enough to have done anything about it for so long -- because they don't want to what, oppress(?) their gay brethren? The apples and oranges of it all. The puritanical hypocrisy of it all. Human folly at its best.


I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.


Edit: nah, Im pretty disgusted.

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