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shins - wincing

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Got it. Thanks solace.


Very much looking forward to hearing this album when it gets released a gazillion years from now.


-- MattZ

(aka the last person in the world that waits to listen to albums until they get released)

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Without reading what else has been written, I'm pretty sure the consensus will be that this is the best of the three Shins records. They've been evolving steadily since before Inverted was released, and they sound, at least to me, like a band close to reaching their full potential. Kinda like a less spoiled, even more melodic version of the Smiths. "Australia" is the best song I've heard this year. It's essentially flawless.

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Without reading what else has been written, I'm pretty sure the consensus will be that this is the best of the three Shins records. They've been evolving steadily since before Inverted was released, and they sound, at least to me, like a band close to reaching their full potential. Kinda like a less spoiled, even more melodic version of the Smiths. "Australia" is the best song I've heard this year. It's essentially flawless.

well, prepare to be wrong, cuz it's being getting a pretty lukewarm reception. not saying people are hating it, but even the diehard Shins fans i know aren't blown away by it or anything. not that you care, or that Pfork matters much, but no way in hell it gets a score even close to Chutes. i would keel over and die of shock if it did.


and if Australia is the best song you've heard all year... wow :blink

it's not even the best song on the record


some random quotes from a few diff boards i frequent:


so far so good...nothing earth shattering to my ears yet but it could be a grower. i have all day tomorrow with it so more to come.


Pleasant enough listen once, not interesting enough for me to have any urge to listen to it again.


I'm digging the keyboards throughout but overall it does kinda lack that "wow" factor I found in their other 2 records. Still though it's a nice album safe to put on in the car with the wife who won't tolerate bands like the Fiery Furnaces


I've only listened to it a few times, but nothing grabs me in the way "Saint Simon" or "Know Your Onion" did. Mercer still brings the songs, but they just seem a little less interesting and there's nothing about the production or instrumentation that really stands out this time. It's good, but right now, it feels really slight to me.


The writing is there, though nothing's mind blowing. As for growth, the record is very safe in ways, and yet possessed of risks that are somewhat miscalculated. "Sea Legs" is a welcome stylistic departure, with its head-rocking groove, its strings, and its surprisingly Smiths-mining melodies. But the track resolves to join The Decemberists in Pink Floyd salutation, and that look isn't as flattering on The Shins -- although maybe it'll make 'em more attractive onstage.


After one listen, I give it around a 6-7. Calling it "safe" is pretty acurate. There were only a handful of tracks that really stood out to me, and even those weren't that exciting. It's a very mellow album, so maybe you have to be in the right mindset to appreciate it. Pam berry is a standout, aside from its short length it captures that dreamy feeling of oh inverted. Hopefully the album is a grower... I just wish their were more surprises or energy in the album


A couple listens through, and it's about a 7 for me. There are some great songs on here, but the record as a whole doesn't strike me like Chutes did.


Album should be titled Sleeping Lessons. It's not horrible, but definitely a let down after 1) First two albums and 2) Three years waiting. It's kinda like 70's/80's soft rock, or one long slow-paced Shins song. I'm not going to stop loving the Shins anytime soon, but maybe they're not the pop geniuses we thought. Someone above said there have been 5-6 more interesting albums in this genre the last couple years, and that really struck a chord with me.
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There certainly is a split opinion on it. In terms of me being a huge Shins fan I think the tracks 1-5 (yeah I love Sea Legs) are faultless. Though it does loose momentum a little from there, in all I think its a great album that I will definately give repeated plays to for a long time to come.

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I haven't heard the new album, but some of those comments that solace pulled seem disingenuous to me. When Chutes came out, I remember the reviews being pretty good, but lukewarm on the whole (at least at first) -- people that I spoke to at the time seemed to think it was a very good album, but not quite as good as Inverted. So, when these reviews of the new album say that they dont like it as much as Chutes on first listen, well, obviously I dont know what these particular folks thought of Chutes when it came out, but it seems like a bit of revisionist history to me. I think Chutes was a grower for a lot of folks who are misremembering it now as an immediate masterpiece.


Maybe this new one is a grower too?

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I've always liked "Chutes" but it's always taken a backseat to OIW for me.

"Wincing" just generally moves along at a very lethargic pace leaving me a bit underwhelmed.

I've probably listened to it straight through three or four times now.

It does fit nicely in a random mix with the previous albums.

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I haven't heard the new album, but some of those comments that solace pulled seem disingenuous to me. When Chutes came out, I remember the reviews being pretty good, but lukewarm on the whole (at least at first) -- people that I spoke to at the time seemed to think it was a very good album, but not quite as good as Inverted. So, when these reviews of the new album say that they dont like it as much as Chutes on first listen, well, obviously I dont know what these particular folks thought of Chutes when it came out, but it seems like a bit of revisionist history to me. I think Chutes was a grower for a lot of folks who are misremembering it now as an immediate masterpiece.


Maybe this new one is a grower too?





Very good point.



I haven't heard the new one yet, but I too remember the so-so response to Chutes. I think people were expecting the cool, cohesive, artsy vibe of Inverted World, and instead got something a little more loose and rockin' and all over the place. Saint Simon is a great pop song, imo.


Anyone heard The Shins' "They'll Soon Discover" off the Spongebob movie soundtrack? It's great.

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"Wincing" just generally moves along at a very lethargic pace leaving me a bit underwhelmed.

I've probably listened to it straight through three or four times now.


My thoughts exactly - nothing really made me sit up and take notice, I didn't stop and go "wow" as it played... perhaps I need to play it a few more times.

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For what it is worth, I am still amazed by (and frankly a little suspicious of) anyone that can listen to an album once or twice and come to a final conclusion about its merits.

maybe so.


i've listened to it probably 7-8x however. and i've stated as much that hopefully it grows on me. nor did i state that it was my "final conclusion". but even still, without being blown away by a single song on the album, even IF and when it grows on me, it's not gonna knock my socks off. maybe i'll consider it more than just a pleasant follow up in time, dunno.


as for Chutes, i loved it right away, actually more than Inverted. i've since gone back to preferring the more electric sound of Chutes tho.


My thoughts exactly - nothing really made me sit up and take notice, I didn't stop and go "wow" as it played... perhaps I need to play it a few more times.


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maybe so. i've listened to it probably 7-8x however. and i've stated as much that hopefully it grows on me. nor did i state that it was my "final conclusion". but even still, without being blown away by a single song on the album, even IF and when it grows on me, it's not gonna knock my socks off. maybe i'll consider it more than just a pleasant follow up in time, dunno.


Oh sorry if I was confusing. That comment was directed more to the comments from the other boards that you posted -- not to you. Those people seemed to basing their thoughts on the album after 1 or 2 listens, and that amazes me. I know there is a running joke on this board about "trying again" when it comes to an album (or a drone) that folks dont like. Thats not what I meant either -- I firmly believe that its not about trying harder. Just that 1 or 2 listens seems a little iffy on coming to a final conclusion.

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Oh sorry if I was confusing. That comment was directed more to the comments from the other boards that you posted -- not to you. Those people seemed to basing their thoughts on the album after 1 or 2 listens, and that amazes me. I know there is a running joke on this board about "trying again" when it comes to an album (or a drone) that folks dont like. Thats not what I meant either -- I firmly believe that its not about trying harder. Just that 1 or 2 listens seems a little iffy on coming to a final conclusion.

on that, i agree :cheers


but also, the lack of any overly glowing reviews/initial excitement has been a bit surprising too

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Just that 1 or 2 listens seems a little iffy on coming to a final conclusion.


All elbow-nudging aside, who said anything about final conclusions? Should we abstain from discussing new records at all until a certain grace period has passed by? All we can do when offering an opinion of a newly released record is talk about how it makes us feel right now. Historical context will arrive years later, whether we want it to or not.

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