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Are you tone deaf?

Guest tandylacker

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Three 80.6% so far?




it's out of 36... and if you take into account that nobody is completely tone deaf and nobody is going to be near perfect, it leaves you a range of maybe 10 scores?


although everyone getting over 80, and that apparently being excellent musician range, is a bit weird... either that or i'm wasting my talents.

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Guest tandylacker


Doesn't it seem a little strange that everyone so far has been above 80%, which is what excellent musicians rarely score higher than?




Maybe he based the excellent musician off of himself. :shifty

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83.3...interesting but seems like it tests more your memory than your intonation.


Same score same thought. Those midi files are really cheesy and somewhat hard to hear, at least the subtle differences are. Most are just different patterns and are pretty easy to differentiate, others seem too obvious and are designed to trick you. That so many scored high tells me this test is akin to those inet IQ tests where most people score 130+. If you live in the same world I do you know that isn't possible.

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Go there and find out. I scored a 80.6%. I think I could have done better, but I didn't read the instructions and was caught off guard the first 2 sound bytes. My problem with it was I kept forgetting how each sound byte ended. Bad memory I guess.


Anyhoo, thought it was interesting.



Fucker hung up on the 35th sample...

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Guest tandylacker

I'm going to re-take it until I'm perfect. Then I'll earn the respect of my peers that I deserve.



66.7%, really? I'm waiting for my wife to take it, she will give up before its over, I'm sure of it. They should have a test called "Can you keep a beat"... That would be a funnier one.

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