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Albums for my kid

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Hi all,


I lurk here often but seldom post. Thought this would be a good place to gather a bit of info.


I have a four-month-old son who seems to really dig music, either me playing it to him or on CD. My son is interested in some music, dismisses others. He seems to really like Allison Krauss and solo Tweedy. He'll sit and listen to both for a good 30+ minutes, which is outstanding for him. For those of you that have kids, do you recall any CDs your kids enjoyed when they were little? I'd welcome any suggestions --- I'd like to stay away from normal kiddie fare, if possible, but I'm pretty open to anything.



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I have a 7 month old son who loves Death Cab For Cutie. His favourite song though it seems is Iron & Wines cover of Such Great Heights.

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When I was a kid, I loved this record:




Link to allmusic.com review (alas, it's very short)


I think my parents liked it because it wasn't cutesy, though it was definitely aimed at kids.


I haven't heard it in thirty years or so, so I have little memory of it at this point.

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Welcome SMS!


My daughter will be 4 months old in just a couple of days. She attended many solo Tweedy/Cline/Kotche shows and listened to a lot of Neil Young when she was still in my womb. Her favourite lullaby is "Cinnamon Girl" (she even "sings" along with me)


Hannah's top 5 picks:



Pet Sounds (Who needs Mozart when you've got Brian Wilson?)



Abbey Road



Pink Moon



After The Goldrush ("Only Love Can Break Your Heart")



Blue Horse ("The littlest birds sing the prettiest songs...")

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Young kids will like pretty much whatever you tell them to like, so really....your choice.

This is true, my four year olds favorite band? WILCO more AM and BT(especially "Don't forget the flowers")

Willie Nelson " Rainbow Connection" would sooth her/ put her to sleep faster than any other, great record.

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I remember I always use to listen to Beatles records as a kid. When I was really young I think my parents had me listen to a little Pete Seeger, Peter Paul and Mary, Raffi, and Rosenschantz. That about covered it. I'd suggest anything with vibraphones though...pretty sure that's the most calming instrument to my ears...but maybe kids find the voice more calming :music

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When I was a kid, I loved this record:




Link to allmusic.com review (alas, it's very short)


I think my parents liked it because it wasn't cutesy, though it was definitely aimed at kids.


I haven't heard it in thirty years or so, so I have little memory of it at this point.

Well if you want to re-live your youth, I have a copy I can play for you if you get to Chicago....(well used and found in a resale shop.)


Abeyoyo has shown up on several of Pete's albums. There is also a kids book of the story as well.


The classic Woody Guthrie Nursery Songs is good too.



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Hi all,


I lurk here often but seldom post. Thought this would be a good place to gather a bit of info.


I have a four-month-old son who seems to really dig music, either me playing it to him or on CD. My son is interested in some music, dismisses others. He seems to really like Allison Krauss and solo Tweedy. He'll sit and listen to both for a good 30+ minutes, which is outstanding for him. For those of you that have kids, do you recall any CDs your kids enjoyed when they were little? I'd welcome any suggestions --- I'd like to stay away from normal kiddie fare, if possible, but I'm pretty open to anything.




For the Magic Kristen, I played her Band on the Run and Slow Turning.


D-Man got Born to Run and Abbey Road.

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Both of my kids seemed to really like Coltrane's "Blue Train" when they were young. Now that they're old enough to state their preferences, we frequently end up with the Wiggles or a Disney soundtrack. :hmm


The good news is that I managed to sneak some good music into their developing brains in the early days, so its only a matter of time before they come back around... :thumbup

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Dan Zanes' albums are both kid and adult friendly. Kids and parents are up dancing at his shows.

I'll second this guy for the 2/3 - 7/8 age range, as he's the best of the kid novelty acts. Not too obnoxious and the songs are definitely bearable.


However, for a four-month old baby I wouldn't suggest subjecting yourself to any of the schtik-y stuff until absolutely necessary. Give the baby some classical music/lullaby shit and call it a day.

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Max loved Graceland whenever he was car bound. In the cranky fussy early pm (5-7), a heavy dose of STOP MAKING SENSE always worked wonders --- caveat -- be prepared to dance with bebe in your arms.

Beatles White album tied with Avalon Sunset for just before bedtime.

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It's awesome that your kid seems to share your love of music. It should provide many bonding moments for you!!


My 2 yr old daughter loves Revolver and many other Beatles songs. We sit at the computer together and watch youtube clips of the Beatles and she names each of the guys as they pop up.


She also loves The Go! Team, many kid friendly sounds on that one. Other than that, it's 1 or 2 songs by several bands, including Doves, Sigur Ros, MMJ, Shins, etc.

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