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27 March 2007


Beastie Boys Announce



here's a few things you might wanna know about..


1. we have a new record coming out

2. it's gonna be sick

3. we're playing a bunch of shows this summer (see below)

4. they're gonna be sick

5. we're gonna play some instrumental only shows also... (you know..drums..bass..guitar..keyboard..percussion..)

6. better call your doctor..cause they're gonna be sick

7. it's gonna be a gala event

8. we're changing up the website...sick

9. got new gear coming soon...again...sick..

10. go see a tailor and get tapered up...


see you soon....beastie boys


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27 March 2007


Beastie Boys Announce



here's a few things you might wanna know about..


5. we're gonna play some instrumental only shows also... (you know..drums..bass..guitar..keyboard..percussion..)



I'm extremely interested in this. :dancing

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Do you really want to get into this again? :lol

no, because it's not worth it ;)


that and most big beasties fans i know agree with me, so... :thumbup


Hey, nothin wrong with Hello Nasty...

yeah, i quite liked that one myself...

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I quite like Hello Nasty, myself. Ok, not as much as Paul's or CYH or even IC, but it's pretty good. The last one...not so much.


The Fourth Beastie, Money Mark, has a new album out, too. It's on my list to pick up.




Give 'em a listen. If you aren't familiar with Mark's stuff outside of the Beasties, you should definietly give "Mark's Keyboard Repair" a spin. "Push the Button" is a lot of fun, too.




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Give 'em a listen. If you aren't familiar with Mark's stuff outside of the Beasties, you should definietly give "Mark's Keyboard Repair" a spin. "Push the Button" is a lot of fun, too.

:yes Keyboard Repair is one of my favorites of the 90s.

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I tried to get into Money Mark's stuff at one point--I think I had "Change Is Coming". It was decent, but I guess as keyboard-groove throwdowns go, I guess I prefer Medeski, Martin & Wood.


I think I still have that cd around somewhere, tho, so maybe I'll give it another shot. :music

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I tried to get into Money Mark's stuff at one point--I think I had "Change Is Coming". It was decent, but I guess as keyboard-groove throwdowns go, I guess I prefer Medeski, Martin & Wood.


I think I still have that cd around somewhere, tho, so maybe I'll give it another shot. :music


Yeah, CIC had some good tunes, but it never got under my skin like Keyboard Repair or Push the Button.


On October 30th sometime back in the 90's one year, my friend, Jimmy, and I drove to the House of Blues in Chicago to see him perform. Because it was Halloween, everyone was dressed up. We wore these crazy Bootsy Collins sunglasses. Anyway, we ended up hanging out with the band and were invited to hang out on their bus. They seemed impressed that the bus used to be Garth Brooke's tour bus. Funny shit. Anyway, they invited us to see them in Detroit the next night .


Jim and I took some pictures of him at the St. Andrew's Hall. This was before affordable digital cameras, so we used a Kodak throwaway deal. They ended up using them in Giant Robot Magazine for an issue. That same issue featured a flexi-disc with Money Mark doing some songs about a Sushi-eating detective. I need to digitize 'em and I'll share, if y'all want to hear them. I've never seen them on any other discs or records and they are actually pretty good.


Kid Koala used to tour with him, too. Another year we drove from Ypsi/Ann Arbor to see Money Mark and Kid Koala play at the Double Door and that was loads of fun. They again invited us to see them play in Detroit, this time at the Magic Bag. We ended up smokin' down behind the Magic Bag and shootin' the shit with them. Mark was born in Detroit and really seemed to have a love for the place.


Oh yeah, speaking of digitizing projects, I recently digitized the Kid Koala cassette "Scratchcratchratchatch" if anyone wants to check it out. Just throw me a PM.


Anyway, memories, eh?


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Have any of you ever heard any of the Adrock solo shit? He had BS2000, which I though was decent. I have the vinyl and am not sure they ever released any of that on CD. If not, maybe I'll digitize that, too. I saw him a few years back at the Magic Bag or the Magic Stick, can't remember which. He also had that side project punk band, but I can't remember their name. That wasn't so great.


I haven't heard anything from DJ Hurricane lately, either. The first Hurricane disc, "The Hurra" is fookin' good, the second one "Severe Damage" had some good tracks, too. That last one, "Don't Sleep", not so hot.


In trying to think of some other Money Mark shit, he had a track on "Handsome Boy Modeling School" with Sean Lennon. I think it was called "Sunshine" or something, but that was good. Money Mark was also on the Mixmaster Mike album "Anti-theft Device" for a track that was "sick", as the kids say nowadays.


Speaking of Kid Koala earlier, I have a 45 of his band Bullfrog that was pretty awesome, but because I'm at work and can't access my records, I can't think of what it is called.


Fun shit. Sorry for rambling...



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I am SO excited for this, as I am one of the few who continues to love TT5B! I never have more fun with music than I do with the Beastie's.


Seriously, when I need something fun on, I throw on a Beastie Boys album...


I also really love Hello Nasty... Paul's Boutique sounds too dated me for me. *puts up riot shield*

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