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An open letter to froggie (& fellow Aussies)

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Hey now Froggie, Whiskeygirl, Fritz, & all the rest of our VC brothas & sistas Down Under:


You all deserve this next week so much! I really couldn't be happier for you. :thumbup I'll bet you folks will get some debuts these next few shows... can't wait to hear your opinions/observations.


Been far too long for ya. But as the old adage goes, "Good things come to those who wait".


Enjoy! :cheers From the whole MB clan.

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Thanks, Scott, for starting this thread.


I've been thinking about the Australian fans for the past few days, trying to imagine how excited they must be getting for the shows. :w00t


Aussie VC'ers -- HAVE A GREAAATTTTT TIME! And don't forget to report back to us!!! We're dying to hear about it :)



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Mr Frog, I happy to speak! Drought of the Wilco kind is ended! Now you have the rain of cats and dogs of the Wilco for this week! But maybe on little sad note you are one who can have the true feel of my ache pain inside for the past Abba that can no longer be, no? But now I present pics to make light mood for all.





Here is all Abba making the roo friends. Pouch is so handy I think! They are happy animal to have you identity in Oz!


Tell me Mr Frog, what is benefit of the eucalyptus to all in the Oz? Does it have theraputrid value as pine? Do you often make the sniff? I have interest in knowing power of this wood so far away. Koala are not so wise, no? He is all snuggle in dopey state of leaf chew all day with no predator for maintenance of the sharp instinct - that is way of nature for hunting spirit and wisdom of the heightened senses. Maybe it is false idea and pine is truly king of woods (though Professor from Sweden say that size is important so sometime I acknowledge to him secondary place of the sequoia)!


Please Mr Frog, make PM of all Wilco and Mr Jeff Tweedy news for research comparison with famous Abba tour. I have the crossed finger for some acknowledgement to the Abba when Mr Jeff Tweedy feel significant historical parallel. Maybe he has the little cry in encore interval in moment of weakness when remembering all from past.


P.S. You have success with Abba programme from the charity shop search?

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Mr Benny make the pose with the special Oz pidgeon. Be careful it does not make the squirt on you Mr Benny! Let us all make the "Peas of eight, peas of eight" chant in style of Mr Johnknee Depp as strenuous activity whilst making plank walk as in film of Pilates of the Caribbean. This bring health to all and cure the back problem which can put the damper on the mess around! All walk is good my friends, but walking proud with wood as plank is in best spirit for sure!



Lady Agnetha has the up close and parasol encounter with the Oz Womble. Underground or overground, all are wombling free in your land Mr Frog, no? This womble would make the decent mini-rug for in front of fireside, no? But I do not think there is pleasure in this hunting without challenge.



Here Lady Frida make plea to save the little furry from the evil Mr Richard Gere and his tunnelling activity. That is not the Swedish way to handle the little furry! Let them live natural life and die of the age old way if arctic fox does not make the pounce first! After noble life they are most suitable for fashioning of the furry bootie for the little childs. This is free tip I give to all!



In Pic number 4, Mr Bjorn has the entanglement with the fierce snake, all fork tongue flicker and slither creep under duvet when you least expect! It is our blessing that we have no snake infest in our land. That is the way of Swedish nightmare as in tales of giant serpent fighting with brave ancestors like in your film of The Vikings with Mr Kirk Douglas with the one eye gouge and the oar jump bravado in celebration as long boat return to homeland!


Happy Abba, Happy Oz! This is fierce good memory! Welfare!

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quick pre-show update...


heard the soundcheck before... nearly 2 hours worth. they played most of SBS, mountain bed, new madrid, poor places and a bit of HMD


met jeff and john while they were going in.... updates soon!

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