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Petition to re-instate Jay Bennett

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It's just a dream my friend, I wasn't serious about a petition. I just want people to remember how good Wilco was...I just hate their new direction. Most people discount A.M., and it's a gazillion times better than "SKY BLEW SKY"
Since you think AM is so great (and it is) why not save the time and just ask for Jeff to rehire Brian Henneman instead since Jay wasn't even in the group then.......:lol


(I can't believe I am even responding to this....)



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Since you think AM is so great (and it is) why not save the time and just ask for Jeff to rehire Brian Henneman instead since Jay wasn't even in the group then.......:lol


(I can't believe I am even responding to this....)




We all know Jay wasn't in the band for AM.. it was just an example because it's consistently noted as fans least favorite album.

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I just hate their new direction.

That's valid--and plenty of people feel the same way--but plenty of people like it, too, so maybe its less of a case of a band losing its inspiration as its just a case of the band not playing a style you particularly like. Since we're talking about Wilco, you're in luck--wait another album or two and it will probably sound way different. :cheers


Besides, wouldn't re-hiring old members in an effort to recapture a former sound be a regression? Oh, nevermind...

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OK, perhaps reaching ultimate dorkiness in Wilco-fandom and netroots-dom, I think we need to draft a petition to get Jay Bennett back in Wilco. It's that simple. It's that obvious. Fellow fans, remember back to the Wilco documentary when they are jamming duel-guitars in the studio and JB says, Wow, that was awesome!! And Tweedy totally looks down his nose at him and says something like "Yeah that was cool to do for fun, but we talked about not using two guitars anymore"....And that was the beginning of the breakup.


Let's put it this way: the new album sucks. I've never heard Tweedy be so dull and straight forward with his lyrics. Impossible Germany is the only decent song on the album. I'm so depressed that this album just came out and I'm already waiting for the follow up to Sky Blue Sky. I know AGIB is a good album, but I'm starting to feel that the Wilco I grew to love died with the firing of Jay Bennet. His creative influence and his magical production work is amazing on Summer Teeth and YHF. I wish Tweedy's ego could have handled the creative mixture that he had going with Jay. They almost had a Lennon/McCartney thing going towards the end of 2001



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Have you heard Let It Be?



We all know let it be, was recorded prior to Abbey Road, so one could say they never regressed. Also, my Dad can beat up your dad ;-) This board is hilarious.

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Congratulations for having the 'balls' to post something critical about the band. Like it's been said, we're entitled to our opinion and reading something that doesn't praise the band as demi-gods is actually a little refreshing. Plus it is kind of funny to read the reactions...especially the ones who seem so personally attacked. Good god personally attacked one(s), Mick and Keith said it best, "it's only rock n roll."

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Alright Ninjas you're a good mediator. I think my complaint is that there are already a thousand arguments against SBS up here, and they are actual arguments with reasoning and site actual songs or lyrics. Not only that but a one dimensional gripe as a first and second post. It's just rough when a newby has to shit in the punch bowl.


Once again I fall back on David Fricke's take on music "If you don't get it.....well that's just kinda too bad."

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OK, perhaps reaching ultimate dorkiness in Wilco-fandom and netroots-dom, I think we need to draft a petition to get Jay Bennett back in Wilco. It's that simple. It's that obvious. Fellow fans, remember back to the Wilco documentary when they are jamming duel-guitars in the studio and JB says, Wow, that was awesome!! And Tweedy totally looks down his nose at him and says something like "Yeah that was cool to do for fun, but we talked about not using two guitars anymore"....And that was the beginning of the breakup.


Let's put it this way: the new album sucks. I've never heard Tweedy be so dull and straight forward with his lyrics. Impossible Germany is the only decent song on the album. I'm so depressed that this album just came out and I'm already waiting for the follow up to Sky Blue Sky. I know AGIB is a good album, but I'm starting to feel that the Wilco I grew to love died with the firing of Jay Bennet. His creative influence and his magical production work is amazing on Summer Teeth and YHF. I wish Tweedy's ego could have handled the creative mixture that he had going with Jay. They almost had a Lennon/McCartney thing going towards the end of 2001


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Alright Ninjas you're a good mediator. I think my complaint is that there are already a thousand arguments against SBS up here, and they are actual arguments with reasoning and site actual songs or lyrics. Not only that but a one dimensional gripe as a first and second post. It's just rough when a newby has to shit in the punch bowl.


Once again I fall back on David Fricke's take on music "If you don't get it.....well that's just kinda too bad."



Hardly a newbie, my account was deleted for inactivity. PNYC was my old handle. As for falling back on fricke, There is nothing to "get" on the new album. Dont even compare YHF to SBS .

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Congratulations for having the 'balls' to post something critical about the band. Like it's been said, we're entitled to our opinion and reading something that doesn't praise the band as demi-gods is actually a little refreshing. Plus it is kind of funny to read the reactions...especially the ones who seem so personally attacked. Good god personally attacked one(s), Mick and Keith said it best, "it's only rock n roll."

when one's first post is a complaint, that's a red flag. it would be totally cool to take the delorean back a decade to re-live the being there era, i personally loved that period of the band...but it's not gonna happen. or you could just put on your favorite wilco record and dream of the time you were sporting a mullet and wondering what you would look like with jay's dreads.


people change. jeff is reportedly the happiest he's been in quite some time. i wouldn't hold your breath for jay's return. a ut reunion would be more likely at this point and that's not gonna happen either.

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Hardly a newbie, my account was deleted for inactivity. PNYC was my old handle. As for falling back on fricke, There is nothing to "get" on the new album. Dont even compare YHF to SBS .

Plenty of people seem to think there is something to get on SBS, and I'm not entirely sure it's just blind adoration talking (although I'm sure it's a factor to some degree with some). I definitely don't put YHF in the same bin as SBS, but I don't think it's a pile, either.


In conclusion, David Fricke has big teeth.

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We all now let it be, was recorded prior to Abbey Road, so one could say they never regressed.



Why does that even matter? Its stripped down when compared to Sgt. Peppers and Magical Mystery Tour, or a change in direction. That's what we're arguing about here right, the change in direction, stripped down comparison of SBS to YHF/Summerteeth/AGIB?

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As for falling back on fricke, There is nothing to "get" on the new album. Dont even compare YHF to SBS .


Who are you attempting to convince here? Yourself, or the people on the board? You might have a very carefully made, and legitimate opinion, you don't have to like the new album. But a good argument in a lit. class or on a music board has evidence. I wouldn't compare YHF to SBS because they're apples and oranges. I also wouldn't reactivate my account just to make simple minded knocks on an album a lot of people happen to be enjoying at this moment. But hey you've already inspired me to use my personal time to reply to you, so I guess thats the internet :punch

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Alright Ninjas you're a good mediator. I think my complaint is that there are already a thousand arguments against SBS up here, and they are actual arguments with reasoning and site actual songs or lyrics. Not only that but a one dimensional gripe as a first and second post. It's just rough when a newby has to shit in the punch bowl.

Cool, I see that, too.

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We all know Jay wasn't in the band for AM.. it was just an example because it's consistently noted as fans least favorite album.

Your point being??


Bands change, some albums people like more than others. Feel free to listen to the Jay Bennett era albums all you want. If you don't like SBS or AGIB, don't listen to them or don't buy them or whatever. You are entitled to you opinion, but how on earth is Jeff Tweedy supposed to work with someone he no longer gets along with??


More people than not would love to see an Uncle Tupelo reunion, but it ain't gonna happen; same thing, people change, time to move on. You can't reheat a souffle as McCartney said about the Beatles.


(For a totally misguided attempt to recapture lost glory, give the Byrds reunion album a listen sometime....or check out the live in Europe material from the Velvet Underground.)



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While we're at it:


I wish gas would go back to costing $2.00 per gallon

I wish Tom Cruise would go back to making insignificant but kickass movies

I wish my metabolism was the same as it was when I was in college

I wish Seinfeld was still making new episodes

I wish SNL was still consistently funny and relevant

I wish "Reality TV" never made it past the Real World

I wish Joey had ended up with Dawson instead of Pacey and that Jen didn't have to die

I wish I had eaten more vegetables as a child

I wish I had learned to play more instruments as a child

I wish My So Called Life had been on television longer

I wish Star Wars Episodes I-III had been better

I wish the Matrix existed as an all-time great trilogy instead of just one great movie followed by mediocre to God-awful sequels

I wish I didn't have student loans I'm still paying off

I wish Jay

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Dont even compare YHF to SBS .


Why not? You have.


SBS is a great album. You obviously don't like it. Hey that is fine. A lot of people here think it is best thing since man invented fire. You are not going to change anyones mind with petitions to go back to 1997. We are not going to change your mind.


My suggestion is go put on Summerteeth, and listen to what you like instead of bashing those that like things that are different from you. Make your petition, cause that will work.

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Hey, this is radio station W-S-K-E-E

We're takin' calls off the wish line

Making all your wacky wishes come true




1-I wish I was little bit taller,

I wish I was a baller

I wish I had a girl who looked good

I would call her

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

and a '64 Impala


I wish I was like six-foot-nine

So I could get with Leoshi

Cause she don't know me but yo she's really fine

You know I see her all the time

Everywhere I go, and even in my dreams

I can scheme of ways to make her mine

Cause I know she's livin phat

Her boyfriend's tall and he plays ball

So how am I gonna compete with that

'Cause when it comes to playing basketball

I'm always last to be picked

And in some cases never picked at all

So I just lean upon the wall

Or sit up in the bleachers with the rest of the girls

Who came to watch their men ball

Dag y'all! I never understood

Why the jocks get the fly girls

And me I get the hood rats

I tell 'em scat, skittle, skibobble

Got hit with a bottle

And put in the hospital, for talkin' that mess

I confess it's a shame when you livin' in a city

That's the size of a box and nobody knows yo' name

Glad I came to my senses

Like quick-quick got sick-sick to my stomach

Overcome with my thoughts of me and her together


So when I asked her out she said I wasn't her type

(rpt 1, 1)


I wish I had a brand-new car

So far, I got this hatchback

And everywhere I go, yo I gets laughed at

And when I'm in my car I'm laid back

I got an 8-track and a spare tire in the backseat

But that's flat

And do you really wanna know what's really wack, What

See I can't even get a date

So, what do you think of that?

I heard that prom night is the bomb night

With a hood rat you can hold tight

But really tho' on figuero

When I'm in my car I can't even get a hello

Well so many people wanna cruise Crenshaw on Sunday

Well then I'm gonna have to get in my car and go

You know I take the 110 to the 105

Get off on Crenshaw tell my homies look alive

Cause it's hard to survive

Livin' in a concrete jungle and

These girls just keep passin' me by

She looks fly, she looks fly

Makes me say my, my, my

(rpt 1, 1)


I wish I was a little bit taller...

I wish I was a baller...

I wish I was a little bit taller y'all

I wish I was a baller (3)


Hey, I wish I had my way

'Cause everyday would be a Friday

You could even speed on the highway

I would play ghetto games

Name my kids ghetto names

Little Mookie, big Al, Lorraine

Yo you know that's on the real

So if you're down on your luck

Then you should know just how I feel

Cause if you don't want me around

See I go simple, I go easy, I go greyhound

Hey, you, what's that sound?

Everybody look what's going down

Ahhhh, yes, ain't that fresh?

Everybody wants to get down like that

(rpt 1, 1)


I wish, I wish, I wish...




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I know Jay and he has no interest in coming back, nor should he. That phase of the band, no matter how great it was, is just over. Sorry you don't like the new album, buddy, but the band is a constant evolving beast...get used to it. It's Jeff's band, pure and simple.

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