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  • 2 weeks later...
i think of the 30+ invites i've given out, maybe 3 people are still eligible to stay on.

This is why I still haven't given out an invite.


I'm saving them for people I actually know. I figure if I can come over to your house and kick your ass personally, that might provide some incentive to keep your ratio up.

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i think of the 30+ invites i've given out, maybe 3 people are still eligible to stay on.


I have given out about 10 and only 1 has done well. The rest have downloaded a bunch and not uploaded anything. One of my friends has been sitting with a .233 share ratio for about 6 months and he's survived somehow. I just decided to stop giving them out unless I am able to get them started in person.

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I've given out like 8 and 4 of them are at like 0.70ish. the others are barely above 1.5ish. But I did get a pm from some one on oink asking for an invite for their friend so I gave it to him and he has like a 10.00 ratio with like 10 gbs downloaded.oh yeah and I have 6 more invites if you promise to be good I'll hook a bro er sis up.

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any chance i could get an invite. i have my computer on all the time so i can just leave the torrents open


Z149650@students.niu.edu is my email address in case anyone can help me out. thanks in advance and no biggie if you can't.

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  • 2 months later...

I was lucky enough to get my invite from someone here. And I'm ashamed to say I didn't use it too well - but only because I realised that I was on a ADSL plan that counted uploads as well as downloads and budgeting for uploads became a real hassle.


Thankfully now I'm on a different plan which doesn't count uploads (like probably 99% of other ISPs), and my ratio is at about 0.96. It's gone up about 0.500 in the past three weeks and will only grow. Hopefully i'll be able to give invites soon.


Hopefully they have their download-free Xmas period again this year - that helped a bit last year.

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