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Anyone have the new devandra?

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save for a few songs i can't get into this one...


i likes my Devendra dark, mysterious, and his voice a bit more nasally.


not too into the whole salsa/tropicalia meets howdy doody style stuff on here, not to mention his voice sounds super wussy a lot of the times on it.

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save for a few songs i can't get into this one...


i likes my Devendra dark, mysterious, and his voice a bit more nasally.


not too into the whole salsa/tropicalia meets howdy doody style stuff on here, not to mention his voice sounds super wussy a lot of the times on it.


Yeah, I agree, but I'm really like that about all his albums. There'll be a few great songs, but the rest is just him mucking around (in my view) - he's like the folk ryan adams!

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Yeah, I agree, but I'm really like that about all his albums. There'll be a few great songs, but the rest is just him mucking around (in my view) - he's like the folk ryan adams!


except its not all one song

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I quite like it. It does fall into the trap of being a bit formulaic - ie plenty of songs including lyrics that start with 'When I', 'If I', etc, with a few tropical/spanish moments chucked in for good measure. As with Cripple Crow a lot of the songs do sound similar to one another, but the fact that it is all a bit knockabout and not too serious means you can have a listen and actually enjoy it. A lot of it reminds of those Mighty Boosh songs that Howard and Vince make up between themselves, only in a studio and sounding a lot more expensive.

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Devendra is not a novelty. Sure, he'll churn out some weird songs but come on. Listen to "Korean Dogwood" or "Hey Mama Wolf". Two of the most beautiful songs of the decade. The new one is good, too, though maybe not as good as Cripple Crow. "Seahorse" and "Saved" are amazing.

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Well I've only given it a full listen once but it sounds decent. Not as impressive as his past work but it sounds like there are some good tracks.

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Devendra is not a novelty. Sure, he'll churn out some weird songs but come on. Listen to "Korean Dogwood" or "Hey Mama Wolf". Two of the most beautiful songs of the decade. The new one is good, too, though maybe not as good as Cripple Crow. "Seahorse" and "Saved" are amazing.



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Don't. Conor Oberst is a massive douche. Devendra, on t'other hand, is one hell of a songwriter. "Hey Mama Wolf," cited once already for its brilliance, is the product of a mind that has more in common with, say, Will Oldham's than Oberst's.


Do what I do and ignore any and all comments made by any and all people about affected singing styles. (Good lord, would I be a Tom Waits fan today if I hadn't learned to do that? Probably not.) And Jim Morrison ain't never play a Spanish guitar like Devendra can.

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I didn't really get into his other stuff, but this popped through my letter box yesterday so I thought I'd give it a spin. It's good. In places. Some of it sounds a bit forced, but I like it on the whole. Perhaps a bit too long? And, he sounds like Bryan Ferry in most of it...

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Anyone else catch him in Chicago last night? Absolutely fantastic. The man even came out and brought out some cups full of 151 for me and my friends. He made time to talk to everyone after the show too. Devendra gets an A+ in my book.



were you amoung the group of girls that he gave the bottle of wine too?

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