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OiNK closed down, admin arrested

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From another forum:


Sit down, and shut the fuck up.


Right -- This stops now.


I'm Paine. I used to be a moderator at OiNK.cd, until, as you know, we were shut down by the BPI and IFPI.


Now, there are far, FAR too many rumours flying around, and I wanted to set some shit straight.


1. There is no official OiNK IRC right now.


No. The Dalnet IRC is by no means "official". In fact, the staff are point blank refusing to use dalnet. The complete lack of both SSL and vhosts/cloaking makes it a very poor choice. I, personally, am currently on irc://fucknet.wtf.la in #oink, however no other staff (at the time of writing) are, although I am in contact with them.


2. OiNK will _NOT_ be up today, or tomorrow.


We're not magic. None of the moderators have access to the current code and databases right now -- in fact, neither does OiNK himself, as his stuff was confiscated (remember the crap you saw in the plastic bags on the news?). People purporting to be TMT and/or OiNK are, to be frank, lying their fucking asses off.


3. There is currently _NO_ "oink legal fund".


DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT give ANY money to ANY of these fake funds you are seeing. They are scams. OiNK will not see a penny of this money, and neither will you.


4. OiNK himself is safe and well.


He's fine and out on bail.


5. There is no "official" OiNK forum right now.


While there may not be an official forum, a lot of our ex-users are flocking to http://www.ohax.com/phpBB2/ -- Some of the users on there are actually staff. However there are also people maliciously using that site to link to scam sites and other various filth.


Anyway, I hope that's settled a lot of shit. If you're in doubt I'm who I say I am, then don't believe me. I encourage you all to exercise extreme caution when people are floating around throwing names about left right and center saying these things. The "TMT" on Dalnet was not our TMT. In fact, nobody has been in contact with him, and I expect it will remain that way for a very long time.



Edit: A few people have asked me if we logged the IP you snatched things from. The answer is no, we did not log snatch IPs.



Edit 2: This is an important one -- Your passwords do NOT need to be changed, they were stored as salted MD5 hashes. All the authorities have is the hashes. The only way they can get the original passwords is via brute force. The chances of that are slim to none if you followed standard good password practice.


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What's the deal on quality control there?


Uploaded torrents must be no lower than 192Kbps, unless using a variable bitrate mp3 format such as APS(--alt-preset standard). However, m4a/mp4/aac, is allowed at 128Kbps. Bitrate MUST be included in the torrent title (not filename). If you don't know the bitrate or average bitrate, try a program called Mr. Questionman.

  • Exceptions can be made if you speak to a moderator or admin first.

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So I noticed some people are worried about this.... So I figured I would help to quell some fears people have...


I never had a oink account but people on this phish message board I hang on have been talking about this non stop so here is a blog from one of the admins from oink that was posted. Its a FAQ on the situation



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I was over at the green board yesterday and I couldn't believe how many threads/posts were talking about this. I'm so out of touch...never had an account or anything.

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All I know is that Interpol raided the dudes workplace. Something tells me he is now unemployed. There isn't really a "Sorry for getting you strip searched and cavity checked in the lunchroom yesterday" type Hallmark card that you can get for your boss.

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does anyone have a spare invite..? :whoo

Yeah, can anyone hook a brother up? I ordered my new macbook last week and then had emergency surgery monday. Didn't get to play it till wed. Now I'm laying in bed bored with nothing to download. Sucks.

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Yeah, can anyone hook a brother up? I ordered my new macbook last week and then had emergency surgery monday. Didn't get to play it till wed. Now I'm laying in bed bored with nothing to download. Sucks.







Oh wait... guess that doesn't work for Mac-users :(


[edit 2]

Free signup: http://www.stmusic.org/

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