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Reason number N+1 to hate the Decemberists

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"We turned up in Bristol and started unloading only to find the venue locked. We went around the front and found the whole place shut down and a notice announcing the rest of their tour was cancelled due to 'band illness'. No one had bothered to tell us anything. The only reason we were on this fucking tour was that band. They were all amazing shows, we might have broken even, we might have got some new fans and then they come along and cancel. They
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Their music is reason enough. This is icing.

Amen, brother.

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Question: Wouldn't this be the Decemberists' managements' fault rather than Colin & the gang? Not saying that makes it any better, but one would have to think.

quite possibly, yes, but the bands management represents the band.


the fact that nobody in the band bothered to double check that their management had contacted their openers. and really, would it be THAT difficult for someone in that 6-7 member band to take 5 minutes out of their day to email or call their openers and let them know what's up personally?


i can tell you that when Arcade Fire cancelled the end of their euro tour this past spring, they contacted their opening acts personally and let them all know what was up.


it's an easy out, but if a band cares that little about how their organization is run and reputation is at stake, then that's kinda sad.


someone fucked up, no matter if it was the band and/or management, but at the end of the day, it looks poor upon the band, no matter who was at fault.

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rather than repeat myself I will refer you to the parallel thread on the decemberists' board:




deja vu and a half.


Yeah - that was me posting it. Wanted to get more information and possibly see if there was another side to the story.


Turns out that the thing was cancelled mid-tour, no one thought to call the opener and it seems the tour manager was a dick. Good going major label band!


Reading far too much into this, it sort of reinforces this pompous, self-important image I have of the Decemberists. They call their message board 'Orate'. Geez.

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