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that song makes me want to throw things

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no, i pretty make take issue w/ the whole enchilada. :monkey

ah man... the stuff they did w/ Matt Sharp on the last record is great imo.


but then again i'm a fan of catchy indie pop too (see: Georgie James)


fucking LOVE this song from a few albums ago:



i prolly like it so much because musically it reminds me of L7 :lol


edit: also, hot Canadian lesbian twins? come on :stunned

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but i'm guessing you take issue w/ their voices like my wife does ;)
no, i pretty make take issue w/ the whole enchilada. :monkey

Yup, the whole enchilada. Everything about that song makes me want to shove forks through my eyeballs. I believe I once described it here as "Aqua meets Stacey Q," and I still feel that's accurate.

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Yeah, Seeger. But that Mellencamp tune annoys the tar out of me too.


And, I think that Meow Mix tune is kind of catchy. Maybe just because I get a kick out of watching the cat go back and forth with the camera trick, though.


And this makes me think of the "I feel like Chicken Tonight (like chicken tonight)" tune. Which does blow.

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if i ever get and iPod touch, i think i'm programmed to go to the iTunes store and download "music is my boyfriend...doodoodeedoo...music is my girlfriend..."


i don't know how i feel about this.

That is a catchy one. What's the other line? Something like, "my music is the place I want you to touch."

It's not a real song(?), but I've always got "Pizza in the mornin', pizza in the evenin', pizza at supper time. When pizza's on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime!" stuck in my head.

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Meow Mix cat food commercials (notoriously resurrected a couple years back)? You know:


Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow meow

Meow meow meow meow


There, now you can hate me. :cheers


I was probably 6 and I loved it!

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My sister introduced me to the phenomena that is Soulja Boy over Thanksgiving, that song makes me want to do damage to people/objects.


That song drives me up the freakin' walls. I does not help that just about every other college student seems to think its the greatest thing since sliced bread. It seems like at every single sporting event and party it must be played a good dozen times too. Fortunately, I have a better stereo than anyone within earshot of my apartment, and have no problem blasting some Andrew Bird or The National to drown out the garbage. :D

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I probably shouldn't even post in this thread, seeing how I loathe 95% of everything in the pop/rock genre that's been recorded in the last 30 years. But just for the hell of it, anything by Toby Kieth. (Eric Cartman voice) "God, I really hate that guy".

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here's the funny thing, i find that song annoying and yet find myself in awe/respect of it's poppiness.



Thank Cod I'm not the only one.



"I'm Crow and I'm a popaholic..."

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I don't want to mess with the Beatlemania that I know runs rampant around here, but I think it has to be said that Paul McCartney singing "simply having a wonderful Christmas time" over and over tends to fill me with something other than feelings of goodwill toward my fellow man.

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no, the guitar riff is nearly the same as an L7 song, i can't think of which one off the top of my head, that's all i was referring to.


The opening riff does sound a little like "Pretend We're Dead". I had to listen to them back-to-back to get it.


The only Teagan and Sarah song I like is "Walking With a Ghost", and I only like it when it's being covered by the White Stripes.


As for songs that make me want to throw things, I don't really have any. Probably because I'm so out of touch with pop music. Because most of it makes me want to throw things. I can't name bands or songs anymore. I do know that I've got radar for that emo crap and it makes me want to punch people. Panic! At the Disco comes to mind, if only for their exclamation point abuse. The fact that their music sucks just makes the desire to inflict violence somewhat justifiable.

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I don't want to mess with the Beatlemania that I know runs rampant around here, but I think it has to be said that Paul McCartney singing "simply having a wonderful Christmas time" over and over tends to fill me with something other than feelings of goodwill toward my fellow man.


"Beatlemania" only goes so far - that song is atrocious.

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Since I work near and eat lunch often at the houston galleria, I'm guessing that there is no way I'm going to be able to avoid hearing some mariah carey christmas song over the next couple of weeks. this makes me sad. I'm not sure there is a pop star who bugs me more. but I'll think about it.

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Whatever Jennifer Lopez/JLo song in that one ad and the Beyonce song in the other ad -- neither of which I know the product for, which should say something about the effectiveness of the advertising (or my demographic)... I HATE those songs and if I'm watching live TV (ie, not on the DVR), I scramble for the mute button.

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Guest Speed Racer

I really like that song of theirs, "Your Love"...it's only a b-side, right?


On the topic though, I have to say that (please don't shoot me) I really, really cannot stand the Decemberists. At first I thought it was just hype, having only heard partial songs, but then I was out with a friend at a coffee shop and I made some remark about how I wish they'd turn that damned music off, and she goes, "Really? This is The Crane Wife." So, blind tested, I can't stand them. The voice, the arrangements - the 'skip' button, please?

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