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Washington Nationals New Stadium

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I just read something that said that Dan Snyder wants to tear down RFK and build a dome on the site for the Redskins, once the Nationals and United are out. Thank you, Mr. Snyder, for pissing all over my childhood. :(


I realize that RFK is pretty old and probably needs replacing, but a freaking dome doesn't sound any better than that soulless heap of concrete out in Maryland. And isn't that stadium only a decade old anyway?


Oh well, this isn't about that. I'm glad to see the Nats get a nice new home. :thumbup

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Couldnt be anymore average looking. Looks very cookie cutter. It's a baseball stadium. I guess its nice.

Yeah, my first impression was that it looks kind of like Shea, but I figured maybe its just not the most flattering angle. RFK never really felt like a baseball park, IMO, so its an improvement.

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There's a show (I think it's on the Discovery Channel) called Modern Marvels where they film construction crews building various things. This was featured about 2 months ago, but will probably be re-run sometime soon. It looked awesome (especially in HD), and was interesting to see how they went about building it in such a short time frame (they basically had a year and half to build it).

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Washington Nationals competing for worst team name with Houston Texans.


Yeah, it's a pretty unexciting name on it's face. But part of the reason they chose it was historical -- the official name of the original Washington Senators was the Washington Nationals. In that light it's not as bad, as it's sort of celebrating the return of baseball to the city.

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Yeah, it's a pretty unexciting name on it's face. But part of the reason they chose it was historical -- the official name of the original Washington Senators was the Washington Nationals. In that light it's not as bad, as it's sort of celebrating the return of baseball to the city.



I love the name


Also I think you will be able to see the capitol dome over the left field wall. should be beautiful at night!

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Yeah, it's a pretty unexciting name on it's face. But part of the reason they chose it was historical -- the official name of the original Washington Senators was the Washington Nationals. In that light it's not as bad, as it's sort of celebrating the return of baseball to the city.


Still not good enough for me. Senators are even worse of a name, so at least they didnt go with that. They shouldve went with a all new name. Ohh well.

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Washington Nationals competing for worst team name with Houston Texans.

As has already been pointed out, the Washington Nationals name has some history behind it.


So does "Houston Texans." There was a short-lived team by that name in the 1970s (in a different pro league, though).


No, there are far worse names out there in the sports world, though Anaheim recently shortened their hockey team's name to "Ducks" from "Mighty Ducks," which takes them out of the running.


"Utah Jazz" is a strong candidate ... the name made sense when the team was located in New Orleans, but doesn't now. Of course, neither does "Los Angeles Lakers," for the same reason. See also: "Memphis Grizzlies."


If I had to nominate my choice for worst North American pro sports franchise name, it'd be a tough choice between the Orlando Magic and the Toronto Raptors. For reasons I'm not sure I could explain, I've always hated those two names.

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Also I think you will be able to see the capitol dome over the left field wall. should be beautiful at night!


I thought I'd heard that they'd originally planned a view of the capital, but ended up having to have the stadium face the other direction because having it face the capital would but the sun right in the batter's eyes.

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Sometimes you have to let bad team names die. Just because it has history doesnt make it any better.


i'm guessing you don't live in DC. here, history means a lot.


the stadium is quite impressive in person. even more impressive is the speed in which the transformation it has made to the neighborhood it is located in. separated from the rest of the city by the Southwest Freeway, which cuts right between cityblocks and buildings, the area has been grossly negelected. i drove through there this weekend and the transformation taking place is actually connecting the area back to the city without the Freeway being a divider. it was eery and strange to see. then again, there's the whole flipside argument about overhauling an impoverished neighborhood and changing it into yuppy central. ah city living.

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In other news (that is exciting only to me and fans of new stadiums in general), it appears the Florida Marlins will be announcing a new stadium deal within the next few weeks, as all funding has been secured. Yay!


What part of Vegas are they going to build it in?

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Here's the listing on Ballparks.com. No new pics, just the renderings by the architect.


I tried the Nats site, but all they had were the same architectural renderings. Lame. When the Padres new park was being built they had a 24/7 camera that you could see live construction shots, plus plenty of updated pictures. Same with the upgrades to Dodger Stadium over the past few years.


EDIT: In the half hour or so it took me to write and post this (due to childcare duties), I see my post has been rendered obsolete. Boo.

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