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How many shows have you been stood up at?

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ok, here are the guidelines.


You bought tickets for yourself and a date/girl-boyfriend with all intentions of going but between the time of ticket purchase and the time of the show something wrong/bad happened and now you are stuck with the bill and tickets. Also, you dont attend the show due to soreness of event or proximity to the show date.


My most recent: TODAY, bought tickets for the Chicago NYE Spoon show, had a falling out with date, stuck with 2 tickets, not going to show, and the bill. sucks


Bob Dylan-Paul Simon concert- bought tickets with this girl, for some reason i bought the tickets but she held the tickets, show came, she went with a friend and jipped me. stuck with the bill, no show.


Wilco-June 13, 2003 Walker Arts Center Minneapolis - bought tickets, had a fight, couldnt sell tickets in time, no go


these are the ones i remember that hurt the most (pocketbook, heart, etc...)

just wondering if anyone else has had this type of experience.


btw, im a nice guy, no anger issues....just bad luck when it comes to stuff like this

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Two years ago, a now-former friend bought tickets to a Wilco show for us. I wound up being really busy and I had a case of the flu between the purchase and the show, and she got herself in a snit because I wasn't paying enough attention to her. :ermm


I Paypaled her my share of the ticket money, nicely asked her to send my ticket to me because I didn't know what time I'd be able to meet her at the show (in-laws were in town, so this was completely true). The next day I got an express-mail package from her with her ticket and mine, with a Post-It that simply said, "Take someone who'll enjoy the show."


And I did. I gave the ticket to another friend of mine who'd never seen Wilco live. We had an awesome time, and my friend got to see the show for free (save for the two beers she insisted on buying me as thanks), courtesy of someone else's pettiness.


Lesson learned: don't entrust concert tickets and cash to flaky, emotionally immature, dumbasses who takes everything personally. I got lucky in that this person enjoyed being a martyr and sent the tickets to me instead of hoarding them for herself.

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I once had tickets to a John Mellencamp concert and showed up and found out it was canceled--turned out he'd had a heart attack.


There was also a NYE show, 98 or so--I think it was G. Love. My longtime gf and I had broken up for good like 2 days before, but decided to try going as "friends". Very awkward. Especially the part when midnight came and we both made a show of kissing as many random strangers in front of each other as we possibly could. Good thing we were mature about the whole thing. :rolleyes Probably should have just stayed home and eaten the loss on the tix.

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Guest David Puddy

just once. november 24th, 2006, wilco at auditorium theatre, chicago.


my friend, and former boss, whom i had purchased tickets for never showed. the next day, he told me that a friend of his called drunk saying that his wife had left him earlier that day, and that he was going to need help burying her body if he couldn't talk him down. needless to say, i think he chose wisely standing me up.

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its happened to me many times... but I usually still end up going by myself and just give the ticket to someone outside.


Most recent: Jason Isbell/Cracker at Cubby Bear.


Found a real DBT fan outside, gave him the ticket, and got free double whiskeys all night because of it. Plus it was a great show!


As fun as concerts are in group... you'd be surprised how good they are alone.

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As fun as concerts are in group... you'd be surprised how good they are alone.


True. I would never let being stood up in any way prevent me from going to a show I want to see.

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The Wedding Present, Atlanta, GA, 1996


I met David Gedge before the show and told him I had just gotten dumped (how appropriate for a TWP concert, right?). I told him I had the extra ticket on me. Gedge asked if he could see the ticket and then asked what the girl's name was. I gave him the ticket and told him her name. Gedge wrote "Where are you, Jody?," signed his name, and handed me back the ticket. A few days later I bumped into Jody and gave her the signed ticket. She wasn't amused.

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> As fun as concerts are in group... you'd be surprised how good they are alone.


yep, i go pretty often alone and always have fun. mainly cause my friends have different musical tastes. also you dont have to put up with them yapping in your ear the whole time.


on the other hand, wilco in sydney last april was as a group and we still had the time of our lives

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The Wedding Present, Atlanta, GA, 1996


I met David Gedge before the show and told him I had just gotten dumped (how appropriate for a TWP concert, right?). I told him I had the extra ticket on me. Gedge asked if he could see the ticket and then asked what the girl's name was. I gave him the ticket and told him her name. Gedge wrote "Where are you, Jody?," signed his name, and handed me back the ticket. A few days later I bumped into Jody and gave her the signed ticket. She wasn't amused.


Hehe... awesome story.




I bought tickets to see Rufus Wainwright in 2002 on the Poses Tour. I was in high school and didn't have a driver's license, so I bought an extra ticket for a friend of my mother's who said she would drive me and my friend. A few days before the concert, the lady bailed because she "just didn't feel like driving that far" and talked her sister into doing it. Not only was it awkward because a. I didn't know her sister b. the sister was disapproving of homosexuality (it was Rufus Wainwright and Tori Amos... nuff said) and c. we were WAY late and therefore missed a meeting with some friends for dinner before the show.


I at least got to the show. I only got to see 2 Wainwright songs, though. I got a t-shirt and a couple of autographs out of the deal.

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Only time I have ever not attended a show that I purchased tickets for happened when I was in college.


I bought a ticket to go see Bo Diddley at a bar in College Station. I was drunk at the time I bought the ticket and lost it.

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I once had tickets to a John Mellencamp concert and showed up and found out it was canceled--turned out he'd had a heart attack.


There was also a NYE show, 98 or so--I think it was G. Love. My longtime gf and I had broken up for good like 2 days before, but decided to try going as "friends". Very awkward. Especially the part when midnight came and we both made a show of kissing as many random strangers in front of each other as we possibly could. Good thing we were mature about the whole thing. :rolleyes Probably should have just stayed home and eaten the loss on the tix.



930 club???

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Craigslist dude, I've had that happen to me twice, the last time was for the Ryan Adams show at the Cedar Center in Minneapolis. Needless to say, I didn't have any difficulties finding someone who wanted to see the show. I've met a couple of cool chicks that way.

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I always get weirded out when I see posts from guys offering last minute tix. Lots of Bears games offered up that way...


Well, I provide referrences and positive ID. I'm not a complete freakazoid. Jeez.

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I should have clarified that I meant everyone in the world but you. For some reason I like you.


Thanks, you're not so bad yourself. I'll keep you in mind next time I have and "extra ticket".

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